1. TAMPER (VERB): Interfere
Synonyms: meddle, tinker
Antonyms: assist, support
Example Sentence:
Do not tamper in between.
2. TREMOR (NOUN): Shiver
Synonyms: vibration, shaking Antonyms: stillness, calmness
Example Sentence:
The train caused tremor at the platform.
3. TRIFLING (ADJECTIVE): Insignificant
Synonyms: dinky, worthless Antonyms: important, worthwhile
Example Sentence:
She always engages herself in trifling tasks.
4. ESPOUSE (VERB): support
Synonyms: adopt, advocate Antonyms: reject, refuse
Example Sentence:
They espoused the notion of equal opportunity for all in education.
5. TORTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): very twisted
Synonyms: winding, circuitous Antonyms: straight forward, untwisted
Example Sentence:
I don’t know why she always talks in tortuous manner.
6. UNDERGIRD (VERB): Support
Synonyms: reinforce, hold up Antonyms: drop, undermine
Example Sentence:
I used an iron rod to undergird the new plant.
7. UNDERFED (ADJECTIVE): Undernourished
Synonyms: famished, ill-fed Antonyms: healthy, well-nourished
Example Sentence:
I saw the underfed population of Uganda.
8. TOPPLE (VERB): fall
Synonyms: overturn, tumble Antonyms: rise, ascend
Example Sentence:
He released his hold and toppled slowly backwards.
Synonyms: genuine, unaffected Antonyms: insincere, pretended
Example Sentence:
I pay my unfeigned regards to the martyr’s family.
10. VEER (VERB): Change direction
Synonyms: deflect, diverge Antonyms: straighten, go direct
Example Sentence:
The car veered across the road to avoid hitting a small boy.
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