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Bank Quiz: Computer Knowledge | 19 -09-17

Mahendra Guru
Bank Quiz: Computer Knowledge | 04 -09-17

Q1.How can you increase the font size of selected text by one point every time?
1. By pressing Ctrl +]
2. By pressing Ctrl + [
3. By pressing Ctrl +}
4. By pressing Ctrl+{
5. None of the Above
ANS (1)-By pressing Ctrl +] Q2.The blinking symbol on the computer screen is called?
1. Mouse
2. Logo
3. Hand
4. Palm
5. Cursor
ANS (5)-Cursor
Q3. Main circuit board in a computer?
1. Decoder
2. Highlight
3. Select
4. Mother board
5. Bus
ANS (4)-Mother board Q4.To “maximize” a window means to?
1. Expand it to fit the desktop
2. Fill it to capacity
3. Put only like files inside
4. Drag it to the trash
5. None of these
ANS (1)-Expand it to fit the desktop Q5.Which of the following may be necessary for you to do after you install new application software?
1. Turn the computer power switch off and then back on
2. Do a warm boot
3. Press Shift + Alt + Del
4. Do a cold boot
5. None of these
ANS (2)-Do a warm boot Q6.Which of the following is NOT part of the motherboard?
1. CPU
2. Chipset
3. System clock
4. Connector
5. None of these
ANS (4)-Connector Q7.A record of columns in DBMS is called?
1. Field
2. Label
3. Matrix
4. Tuple
5. None of these
ANS (1)-Field Q8.The most important or power-full computer in a typical network is?
1. Network station
2. Network server
3. Network client
4. Desktop
5. None of these
ANS (2)-Network server Q9.In which of the following form, data is stored in computer?
1. Binary
2. Octal
3. Hexa-Decimal
4. Octal
5. None of these
ANS (1)-Binary Q10.Who was the Founder of Bluetooth?
1. Andy Rubin
2. Martin Cooper
3. Ericson
4. Steve Jobs
5. None of these
ANS (3)-Ericson


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