In SSC examination the English section is completely based on the grammar rule so, you need to focus on the grammar part of English. Learn all the basic concepts and rules of grammar that will increase your marks in examination. It was seen that there is a change in pattern of exam in English, in different exam some section are skipped while some section are provide but the basic remain same so you need to practice more on grammar rules to covered all the aspects of English. It is the most scoring section with less time consuming so practice on daily basis. Mahendra Guru provides you English Language Quiz for SSC examination based on the latest pattern. So, that you can practice on regular basis. It will definitely help you to score good marks in the exam. It is the most important section for all the govt exam like IBPS PO/ Clerk/SO/RRB, RBI, SBI, Insurance, SSC-MTS, CGL, CHSL, State Level and other Competitive exams.
Q.1-10. In questions below out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given sentence and mark it as your answer.
Q.1. Chemistry in ancient times.
(A) Dactylology
(B) Alchemy
(C) Cytology
(D) Chronobiology
Q.2. Undue favour shown by a person in power to his friends and relatives.
(A) Criticism
(B) Despotism
(C) Nepotism
(D) Witticism
Q.3. The practise of having many wives.
(A) Bigamy
(B) Bibliophile
(C) Monogamy
(D) Polygamy
Q.4. The collection and study of postage etc.
(A) Phonetics
(B) Philology
(C) Philately
(D) Odontology
Q.5. Take great pleasure.
(A) Derelict
(B) Plaintiff
(C) Revel
(D) Satisfaction
Q.6. A matter written by hand.
(A) Manuscript
(B) Postscript
(C) Quadruped
(D) Transparent
Q.7. Building in which dead bodies are kept for a time.
(A) Monastery
(B) Sanctorum
(C) Mortuary
(D) Crematorium
Q.8. One who believes that gaining pleasure is the most important thing in life.
(A) Chauvinist
(B) Hedonist
(C) Philistine
(D) Misanthrope
Q.9. Placing a thing beside another.
(A) Repose
(B) Impose
(C) Juxtapose
(D) Jargon
Q.10. A place for housing aeroplanes.
(A) Kennel
(B) Scullery
(C) Hangar
(D) Reservoir
Q.1. Option (B)
Q.2. Option (C)
Q.3. Option (D)
Q.4. Option (C)
Q.5. Option (C)
Q.6. Option (A)
Q.7. Option (C)
Q.8. Option (B)
Q.9. Option (C)
Q.10. Option (C)