It is a time to stride your preparation as you all know that SSC CHSL, IBPS Clerks Mains, IBPS SO and RBI Assistant Mains Exam is imminent. “Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.” Quants section is important part other than English, Reasoning, GA, and Computer.If you know the right approach to solve the problem in the restricted time period you can score more in this section with good attempts. For this, you have to practice for Quants questions, and speed test on the regular basis.
You can also analyze your performance and evaluate yourself where you stand with regard to the exam. It will help you to judge yourself what topic you need to work on in details. Digi page of Maths is provided to you on daily basis by Mahendra guru so, you can do practice on latest question pattern of Quants asked in the exam. We provide QuantS quizzes on daily basis with questions and answers you can also watch our Mahendra guru YouTube channel for free online study and clear your basic concept and learn the new tips and tricks to solve the questions.