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The Hindu Editorial : Cautious Optimism

Mahendra Guru
The Hindu Editorial : Cautious Optimism

Title: Cautious Optimism

(The Economic Survey underscores the need to maintain fiscal credibility)

It projects that GDP growth could accelerate to 7-7.5% in 2018-19, from 6.75% in the current fiscal, reinstating India as the world’s fastest-growing major economy.

• It argues against “setting overly ambitious targets for consolidation, especially in a pre-election year” that are based on optimistic and unrealistic assumptions.

• The Survey is signaling that the government may have to retain the elbow room to stabilise the GST, complete the recapitalisation exercise and, most crucially, support agriculture.

• The potential to reduce annual agricultural incomes — by as much as 20-25% for unirrigated areas.

• Citing job creation and education as key priorities

• The Survey sets out a plan for rapid economic expansion by recommending that policymakers keep their sights trained on strengthening “the only two truly sustainable engines — private investment and exports.”

Vocabulary words:

Optimism (noun) = Hopefulness and confidence (आशावाद)

Credibility (noun) = Reliability (विश्वसनीयता)

Reinstating (verb) = Restore to the former position (पुन: स्थापित करना)

Prognosis (noun) = Forecast, prediction (भावीफल)

Insolvency (noun) = Failure, collapse (दिवालियापन)

Persistently (adv) = Continuously (लगातार)

Exemplary (adj) = Perfect, ideal (अनुकरणीय)

Induce (verb) = Persuade, convince (प्रेरित करना)

Vocabulary words:

Nascent (adj) = Crescent, freshly generated in a

reactive form (नवजात)

Contend (verb) = Struggle to a difficulty (संघर्ष करना)

Onus (noun) = Responsibility or liability (दायित्व, कर्तव्य)

Calibrate (verb) = Make with a standard scale of readings (ठीक करना, जांच करना)

Unilateral (adj) = Relating to only one side (एकतरफा)

Doctrine (noun) = A set of beliefs (सिद्धांत)

Soar (verb) = Increase rapidly above the usual level
(बहुत वृद्धि होना)

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