Synonyms: debauched, voluptuous
Antonyms: ethical, moral
Example Sentence:
He is
denounced for his libertine nature.
2. ALTRUISTIC (NOUN): charitable
Synonyms: patron, philanthropist
Antonyms: opponent, antagonist
Example Sentence:
Karan was famous for his altruistic nature.
Synonyms: ornery,
Antonyms: sophisticated,
Example Sentence:
Mukund is very churlish fellow.
4. VAGARY (NOUN): sudden change in idea or mood
Synonyms: caprice, impulse
Antonyms: certainty, anticipated
Example Sentence:
Her vagary shocked everyone at home.
5. MAGNANIMITY (NOUN): generosity
Synonyms: chivalry, philanthropy
Antonyms: meanness,
Example Sentence:
Mukesh is known for his magnanimity.
6. ADDUCE (VERB): cite
as evidence
Synonyms: affirm, prove
Antonyms: obscure, hide
Example Sentence:
Since the lawyer couldn’t adduce his point,the judge didn’t believe his hypothesis.
7. EENUI (NOUN):boredom
Synonyms: apathy, languor
Antonyms: happiness, gladness
Example Sentence:
Kabir succumbed to ennui and despair.
8. GOURMANDIZE (VERB): eat too much
Synonyms: gluttonize, binge
Antonyms: diet, fast
Example Sentence:
Even if the cuisines are tasty do not gourmandize in the party.
9. ATONE (VERB): compensate
Synonyms: apologize, redeem
Antonyms: disagree, spoil
Example Sentence:
You must atone for the
injustice you have done to innocent people.
10. ABJURE (VERB): give up
Synonyms: recant, renege
Antonyms: allow, emphasize
Example Sentence:
We must abjure the pursuit of sinful acts.