In SSC examination the English section is completely based on the grammar rule so, you need to focus on the grammar part of English. Learn all the basic concepts and rules of grammar that will increase your marks in the examination. It was seen that there is a change in the pattern of an exam in English, in different exam some section are skipped while some section provides but the basic remains same so you need to practice more on grammar rules to cover all the aspects of English. It is the most scoring section with less time consuming so practice on daily basis. Mahendra Guru provides you English Language Quiz for SSC examination based on the latest pattern. So, that you can practice on regular basis. It will definitely help you to score good marks in the exam. It is the most important section for all the govt exam like IBPS PO/ Clerk/SO/RRB, RBI, SBI, Insurance, SSC-MTS, CGL, CHSL, State Level and other Competitive exams.
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Q.1-5. Read the following passage carefully and answer the given questions.
He began to think. Then he made a kite and tied a bell and a long sting to it. When the wind blew, the kite rose high up in the air. But it did not fly far, because Abhilas tied the string to a tree. The next day all the people of the town heard the bell and saw a dark spot in the sky. The chief saw the spot, too. Abhilas came up to the chief and said" oh, my Chief, the house in the sky will soon be ready. Do you hear the bell? The workers are ringing the bell from the sky. They need some boards for the roof of the house. Please tell your soldiers to climb up to the sky with the boards." "But how will my soldiers climb up to the sky?" asked the chief. "Oh, there is a way up," said Abhilas.
So the chief ordered his soldiers to get some boards and to follow Abhilas. They came to the tree and saw the string there. "This is the way to the sky," Abhilas said. "Climb up the string and you will come to the sky." The soldiers tried to climb up the string, but could not do that. "Try again, try again! Our Chief will be very angry if you don't carry the boards up to his house in the sky!" said Abhilas. Then the soldiers went to the chief and said, "Oh, Chief, no man can climb up to the sky!" The chief thought a little and said, "That's right. Nobody can do that."
Q.1. What happened when the wind blew?
(A) the kite rose high up in the air.
(B) the kite did not fly far.
(C) The kite climb up to the sky with the boards.
(D) Both (A) and (B)
Q.2. Why did the kite not fly far?
(A) Because no man can climb up to the sky.
(B) Because Abhilas tied the string to a tree.
(C) Because the chief ordered his soldiers.
(D) Because the Chief will be very angry.
Q.3. What did Abhilas ask the King?
(A) Please give me justice.
(B) Please tell your soldiers to climb up to the sky with the boards.
(C) Please save my life from the cruel monkey.
(D) Please tell your soldiers to climb up to the tree and get me some fruits.
Q.4. Why did the chief once sent for Abhilas?
(A) To take him to the sky.
(B) To suggest him about the matter.
(C) To build him a house in the sky in three days.
(D) To create him a nice painting.
Q.5. Why rich people hate Abhilas?
(A) Abhilas often made jokes at the chief.
(B) Abhilas often made jokes at the people of the town.
(C) Abhilas often made jokes at rich people.
(D) the people of the town at the villagers.
Q.6-10. Read the following passage carefully and answer the given questions.
Many Sociologists have argued that there is a functional relationship between education and economic system. They point to the fact that mass formal education began in industrial society and is an established part of all industrial societies. They note that the expansion of the economies of industrial societies is accompanied by a corresponding expansion of their educational systems. They explain this correspondence in terms of the needs of industry for skilled and trained manpower, needs which are met by the educational system, thus, the provision of mass elementary education in Britain in 1870 can be seen as a response to the needs of industry for a literate and numerate work-force at a time when industrial processes were becoming more complex and the demand for technical skills was steadily growing.
Q.6. The author argues that
(A) formal education can be traced to industrial society
(B) industrial society is responsible for expansion of education at the mass level
(C) industrial society gave rise to vocational education
(D) industrial society changed the pattern of education
Q.7. The Sociologists referred to in the passage say that the relationship between industry and elementary education was one-
(A) based on mutual need
(B) based entirely on the need of the industry
(C) based entirely on economic need
(D) based on some inexplicable historical forces
Q.8. By ‘functional relationship’ is meant-
(A) a short-term relationship
(B) practical and utilitarian relationship
(C) temporary arrangement
(D) close and unbreakable relationship.
Q.9. The industry needs a literate work-force because
(A) its expansion needs sound learning
(B) it relies heavily on expertise
(C) it promotes a competitive spirit
(D) its operations need intricate technical knowledge
Q.10. The observations of the Sociologists are based on a study of
(A) the statistical data available in a historical context
(B) economic system of the 19m century
(C) the correlation between industry and education in a historical context
(D) growth of industry in the 19th century
Q.1. (D)
Q.2. (B)
Q.3. (B)
Q.4. (C)
Q.5. (C)
Q.6. (B)
Q.7. (B)
Q.8. (B)
Q.9. (D)
Q.10. (C)