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English Language For SBI Clerk Prelims | 12- 05 - 18

Mahendra Guru
English Language For SBI Clerk Prelims | 12- 05 - 18
Developing a solid foundation in English will not only help you to increase your knowledge but will also help you to score better in the exam. English is a major section in exams which candidate fears a lot. To boost your preparation, MahendraGuru is providing English Quiz for SBI Clerk, RBI Assistant, IBPS Clerk and IBPS SO Exams exams.

With Mahendra Guru, be the first to know the changes in Grammar which keep you updated through its Practice sets.These practice sets will give you power in building your bright career.

Q.1-1. In each question below a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given. These are numbered as (1), (2), (3) and (4). One of these four words printed in bold may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate if any. The number of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark (5) i.e. ‘All correct’ as your answer.

Q.1. Keep(1)/ the database would help see if claims(2)/ of private hospitals using advanced techniques(3)/ for transplantation(4)/ actually translate into bet results. All Correct(5). 

1. 1 

2. 2 

3. 3 

4. 4 

5. 5 

Q.2. The new awareness drive(1)/ gives us hope(2)/ that we can finally eradicate(3)/ polio not only from India but from the face(4)/ of the earth. All Correct(5). 

1. 1 

2. 2 

3. 3 

4. 4 

5. 5 

Q.3. The company plans to initially(1)/ hire the IIM graduates(2)/ as management trainies(3)/ and move them into middle-management roles in due course(4)/All Correct(5). 

1. 1 

2. 2 

3. 3 

4. 4 

5. 5 

Q.4. Police sent fingerprints(1)/ of the suspects(2)/ to the National and State Crime Records Bureaus to cheque(3)/ whether they were involved in any other offence(4)/ in the past./All Correct(5). 

1. 1 

2. 2 

3. 3 

4. 4 

5. 5 

Q.5. The people who(1)/ are agitating(2)/ near the plant have been continued(3)/ their agitation for the past(4)/ three months/.All Correct (5). 

1. 1 

2. 2 

3. 3 

4. 4 

5. 5 

Q.6. The researchers(1)/ then determined(2)/ how many of the respondents(3)/ were still alive(4)/ in 28./All Correct (5). 

1. 1 

2. 2 

3. 3 

4. 4 

5. 5 

Q.7. People who have a good pere(1)/ support system(2)/ at work may live longer(3)/ than those(4)/ who don’t./All Correct (5). 

1. 1 

2. 2 

3. 3 

4. 4 

5. 5 

Q.8. If we could begin(1)/ in a small way today, someday(2)/ that large area(3)/ could be achived.(4)/All correct (5) 

1. 1 

2. 2 

3. 3 

4. 4 

5. 5 

Q.9. There was a time when morales(1)/ that needed to be taught(2)/ were woven(3)/ into stories using nature(4)/ animals and human beings./All correct (5) 

1. 1 

2. 2 

3. 3 

4. 4 

5. 5 

Q.10. Prof. Hawking first gained(1)/ attention with his 1988 book A Brief(2)/ History of Time, a simplify (3)/ overview of the universe.(4)/All correct (5) 

1. 1 

2. 2 

3. 3 

4. 4 

5. 5 


Q.1. (1) Explanation: ‘Keeping’ should be used- which refers to the process of keeping. 

Q.2. (5) 

Q.3. (3) Explanation: ‘Trainees’ should be the correct spelling. 

Q.4. (3) Explanation: ‘Check’ should be used which means to evaluate. 

Q.5. (3) Explanation: ‘Continuing’ should be used- present perfect continuous tense is to be used. 

Q.6. (2) Explanation: Determined is the correct spelling. 

Q.7. (1) Explanation: Peer is the correct word, meaning person who is another’s equal. 

Q.8. (4) Explanation: Achieved is the correct spelling. 

Q.9. (1) Explanation: Morals is the correct spelling, meaning lesson. 

Q.10. (3) Explanation: Simplified is the correct form of verb to be used here.

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