1. IGNORAMUS (NOUN): (मूर्ख) stupid
Synonyms: imbecile, dimwit
Antonyms: intellect, brainy
Example Sentence:
Balli is an ignoramus man.
2. DIRTBALLS (NOUN): (बहका हुआ/ भटका हुआ) creep
Synonyms: deviant, sleazebag
Antonyms: standard, usual
Example Sentence:
Their group is seen as a bunch of dirtballs and liars.
3. NOUS (NOUN): (प्रज्ञा) common sense
Synonyms: practical intelligence, intellect
Antonym: nonsense, stupid
Example Sentence:
He has a lot of nous.
4. CEDE (VERB): (आत्मसमर्पण करना) surrender
Synonyms: capitulate, hand over
Antonyms: hold, maintain
Example Sentence:
Extradited liquor baron had to cede before Indian government.
5. GLIMPSE (VERB): (झलक पड़ना) glance
Synonyms: flash, sight
Antonyms: stare, glare
Example Sentence:
Ramya glimpsed a figure standing in the shade.
6. BOOST (NOUN): (बढ़ावा) hike
Synonyms: upgrade, advance
Antonyms: decline, shrinkage
Example sentence:
He got the boost in salary last month.
7. TRADITIONAL (ADJECTIVE): (परंपरागत) classic
Synonyms: conventional, regular
Antonyms: different, extraordinary
Example sentence:
He likes traditional dancing style.
8. ABSTINENCE (NOUN): (परहेज़) chastity
Synonyms: fasting, frugality
Antonyms: excess, revelry
Example sentence:
Manikant started drinking again after six years of abstinence.
9. OFFSET (VERB): (प्रतिवाद करना) balance
Synonyms: negate, counteract
Antonyms: disproportion, inadequacy
Example sentence:
Donations to charities can be offset against income tax.
10. FAVOUR (NOUN): (एहसान) support
Synonyms: benignity, assistance
Antonyms: animosity, antipathy
Example sentence:
Would you give me a favour?