1. ASCENSION (NOUN): (उठान) Taking over
Synonyms: succession, assumption
Antonyms: declension, decline
Example Sentence:
Nikunj was killed after his ascension to the throne.
2. STIFFEN (VERB): (ठोस बनाना) Make or become harder
Synonyms: tighten, solidify
Antonyms: weaken, dilute
Example Sentence:
The blood supply to the skin is reduced when muscles stiffen.
4. SUBSISTENCE (NOUN): (जीविका) livelihood
Synonyms: sustenance, gratuity
Antonyms: neglect, ignorance
Example Sentence:
Shalabh is doing very hard work for his smooth subsistence.
5. DABBLER (NOUN): (अनुरागी) dilettante
Synonyms: abecedarian, novice
Antonyms: expert, professional
Example Sentence:
Abhineet is a dabbler singer.
6. SEDUCE (VERB): (प्रलोभन देना) lure
Synonyms: entice, decoy
Antonyms: dissuade, disenchant
Example Sentence:
Ripen mangoes seduced the travellers on the way.
7. INGENUITY (NOUN): (प्रतिभा) Creativity
Synonyms: ability, inventiveness
Antonyms: clumsiness, ignorance
Example Sentence:
As per my view, this task is difficult and may require some ingenuity.
8. SWIRL (VERB): (चक्कर खाना) Spin around
Synonyms: churn, roil
Antonyms: straighten, uncoil
Example Sentence:
The leaves were swirled along the ground by the wind.
9. STIFLE (VERB): (दबाना) Restrain
Synonyms: suppress, repress
Antonyms: release, free
Example Sentence:
She makes no attempt to stifle a yawn.
10. ARCHAIC (ADJECTIVE): (प्राचीन) Old-fashioned
Synonyms: obsolete, antiquated
Antonyms: latest, modern
Example Sentence:
These archaic practices are advocated by people of limited outlook.