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SSC CPO : English Language Quiz | 16 - 08 - 18

Mahendra Guru
SSC CPO : English Language Quiz | 16 - 08 - 18
In SSC examination, the English section is completely based on the grammar rules so, you need to focus on the grammar part of English. Learn all the basic concepts and rules of grammar that will increase your marks in the examination. It has been seen that there is a change in the exam pattern of  English in some recent exams; some section were skipped while some sections were added but the basic things were same so you need to practice more on grammar rules to cover all the aspects of English. It is the most scoring section and is less time-consuming. Mahendra Guru provides you English Language Quiz for SSC examination based on the latest pattern so that you can practice on regular basis. It will definitely help you to score good marks in the exam. It is the most important section for all the govt exams like IBPS PO/ Clerk/SO/RRB, RBI, SBI, Insurance, SSC-MTS, CGL, CHSL, State Level and other Competitive exams.

Mahendra Guru provides you with an SSC Quiz of English Language on daily basis to help you in your preparation for Govt jobs. Mahendra Guru also provides you with important notes and study material for all subject and test through its website, Mahendra Guru App and YouTube channel apart from it Speed Test Portal. Most of these preparation products are also available for purchase at my shop. You can also visit to get more information about our endeavours for your success. You can also study in detail through our Emahendras Facebook and Mahendra Guru YouTube channel of English.

Q.1-5.In questions below out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.

Q.1. Release of a prisoner from jail on certain terms and conditions.

(A) Parole
(B) Parley
(C) Pardon
(D) Acquittal 

Q.2. To struggle helplessly.

(A) Flounder
(B) Founder
(C) Fumble
(D) Finger

Q.3. Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence.

(A) Statesmanship
(B) Diplomacy
(C) Hierarchy
(D) Protocol

Q.4. Impossible to describe.

(A) Miraculous
(B) Ineffable
(C) Stupendous
(D) Appalling

Q.5. Detaining and confining someone.

(A) Interruption
(B) Interrogation
(C) Interment
(D) Internment

Q.6-10.ln the following questions four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

Q.6. To take someone for a ride.

(A) To give a ride to someone.
(B) To deceive someone.
(C) To be Indifferent.
(D) To disclose a secret.

Q.7. To face the music.

(A) To enjoy a musical recital.
(B) To bear the consequences.
(C) To live in a pleasant atmosphere.
(D) To have a difficult time.

Q.8. Green-eyed monster.

(A) Anger
(B) Hatred
(C) Envy
(D) Jealousy

Q.9. To pay off old scores.

(A) To refund old dues.
(B) To take revenge.
(C) To force him to be a scorer in a match.
(D) Because he had not scored well earlier.

Q.10. Put his foot down.

(A) Asserted his authority.
(B) Kicked them.
(C) Stepped out.
(D) Came downstairs.


Q.1.(A) Parley - both sides agreed to settle their differences.

Acquittal - convict, five years ago he was acquitted on a shoplifting charge.

Q.2.(A) Fumble - to do 5th awkwardly.

Q.3.(D) Diplomacy - The management of relationships between countries.

Hierarchy - a system in which people or things are arranged according to their importance.

Q.4.(B) Stupendous - usually in a pleasing way.

Appaling - shocking and very bad.

Q.5.(D) Interment - the act of burying a dead body.






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