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SSC CPO : Quantitative Aptitude Quiz | 25- 09 - 18

Mahendra Guru
SSC CPO : Quantitative Aptitude Quiz | 25- 09 - 18

In SSC exam, quantitative Aptitude section is more scoring and easy, if you know the shorts tricks and formulas of all the topics. So, it is important to know the basic concepts of all the topics so you can apply the short tricks and solve the question with the new concepts in lesser time while giving the quiz. It will help you to score more marks from this section in less time period. Quantitative Aptitude section basically measures your mathematical and calculation approach of solving the question. SSC Quiz of quantitative Aptitude section helps you to analyse your preparation level for upcoming SSC examination. Mahendra Guru provides you Quantitative Aptitude Quiz for SSC examination based on the latest pattern so that you can practice on regular basis. It will definitely help you to score good marks in the exam. It is the most important section for all the govt exams like Insurance, SSC-MTS, SSC CPO, CGL, CHSL, State Level, and other Competitive exams.

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Q.1. If part of journey is completed in 10 min then 3/5 part of journey will be completed in- /यदि किसी यात्रा का भाग 10 मिनट में पूरा किया जा सकता है तो यात्रा का 3/5 भाग पूरा होगा -
(A) 40 minutes/ मिनट
(B) 45 minutes/ मिनट
(C) 48 minutes/ मिनट
(D) 36 minutes/ मिनट

Q.2. If a + b + c = 0 then (a + b - c)2 + (b + c - a)2 + (c + a - b)2 is equal to

यदि a + b + c = 0 तो (a + b - c)2 + (b + c - a)2 + (c + a - b)2 बराबर है
(A) 0
(B) 8abc
(C) 4 (a2 + b2 + c2)
(D) 4 (ab + bc + ca)

Q.3. A, B and C together can do a piece of work in 2 days whereas A and B alone can do it in 6 days and 5 days respectively then C can do it in -

A, B, और C मिलकर किसी काम को 2 दिन में कर सकते है जबकि A और B उसी काम को अकेले क्रमशः 6 दिन और 5 दिन में कर सकते है तो C अकेले उसी काम को कर सकता है -
(A) hr./घंटे
(B) hr./घंटे
(C) 9 hr./घंटे
(D) hr./घंटे

Q.4. A book seller sold the book at 10% loss if he sold the book at Rs.108 more than he would have profit of 10% then find the cost price of book.

एक पुस्तक विक्रेता किसी पुस्तक को 10% हानि पर बेचता है यदि वह उसे रू 108 अधिक में बेचे तो उसे 10% का लाभ होगा तो उस पुस्तक का क्रय मूल्य ज्ञात कीजिये ।
(A) Rs./रू.442
(B) Rs./रू.540
(C) Rs./रू.740
(D) Rs./रू.648

Q.5. Rs.800 becomes Rs.956 in 3 years with certain rate of simple interest if rate of interest is increased by 4% then find the new amount after the same time period on same sum.

रू.800 तीन वर्षों में किसी निश्चित साधारण ब्याज की दर से रू.956 हो जाती है यदि ब्याज दर को 4 प्रतिशत बढ़ा दिया जाए तो समान धनराशि पर उतने ही समय के बाद प्राप्त धनराशि ज्ञात कीजिये ।
(A) Rs./रू.952
(B) Rs./रू.1052
(C) Rs./रू.1152
(D) Rs./रू.1952

Q.6. If a : (b + c) = 1 : 3 and c : (a + b) = 5 : 7 then b : (a + c) equal to.

यदि a : (b + c) = 1 : 3 और c : (a + b) = 5 : 7 है तो b : (a + c) बराबर है
(A) 1: 2
(B) 2: 3
(C) 1: 3
(D) 2: 1

Q.7. A ruby stone was bought for Rs.1600 at Jaipur. A sum of Rs.2400 was spent on making a ring with the ruby stone. It was advertised for sale at Bombay for Rs.7800. If a discount of 10% was given, then the% profit made was- 

एक रूबी पत्थर जयपुर में 1600 रू. में खरीदा गया । रूबी पत्थर से अंगूठी बनाने पर 2400 रू. व्यय किए गए । बम्बई में उसे 7800 रू में बिक्री के लिए विज्ञापित किया गया । यदि 10% की छूट दी गई हो, तो अर्जित लाभ था -
(A) 55%
(B) 68.5%
(C) 75.5%
(D) 80%

Q.8. Solve

हल कीजिए
(A) a – b
(B) b – a
(C) 1
(D) 0

Q.9. If sinα.sec (30 + α) = 1, (0 < α < 600), then sinα + cos2α = ?

यदि sinα.sec (30 + α) = 1 तो (0 α < 600) तो sinα + cos2α = ?
(A) 1
(D) 0

Q.10. If cos θ + sec θ = 2 (00 < θ & < 900) then cos10 θ + sec11 θ = ?

यदि cos θ + sec θ = 2 (00 < θ < 900) हो तो cos10 θ + sec11 θ = ?
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) – 1

Q1. (C)
part of the distance is covered in 10 minutes.
दूरी का भाग 10 मिनट में तय किया जाता है । 
part of the distance will covered in/दूरी का भाग तय किया जाएगा =

= 48 minutes/मिनट

Q2. (C) a + b = – c, b + c = – a, c + a = – b
(– c – c)2+ (– a – a)2 + (– b – b)2 = 4a2 + 4b2 + 4c2

Q3. (B) 15 ............ A + B + C ... 2
5 ............... A ................. 6
6 ............... B ................. 5 
Hence/अतः, C = 15 – 5 – 6 = 4 
Time taken by C to complete the work/C द्वारा कार्य को पूरा करने में लिया गया समय 
= hours/घंटे

Q4. (B) CP = 100%
SP = 90% if 10% loss/यदि 10% की हानि हुई है ।
SP = 110% if 10% profit/यदि 10% का लाभ हुआ है ।
20% = 108
100% = Rs./रु.540

Q5. (B) Principal/मूलधन = Rs./रु.800
Increased amount is/बढ़ी हुई धनराशि है = of/का 800
New amount/नया मिश्रधन = Rs./रु.956 + Rs./रु.96 = Rs./रु.1052

Q6. (A) a = k, b + c = 3k
a + b + c = 4k
a + b =
c = (a + b + c) – (a + b)
= 4k – =
a + c = k +=
b = (b + c) – c
= 3k – =
b : (a + c) = 1 : 2

Q7. (C) Total c.p./कुल क्रय मूल्य = Rs./रु.1600 + Rs./रु.2400 = Rs./रु.4000
Discount/छूट% = 10%
Actual selling price/वास्तविक विक्रय मूल्य = Rs./रु.7800 - Rs./रु.780 = Rs./रु.7020
Profit/लाभ% =

Q8. (C) 

Q9. (A) 00 α < 600 Let α = 300
sin 300 sec (300 + α) = sin300. sec 600 = 1
sin 300 + cos 2(300) = 1
sin300 + cos 600 =

Q10. (C) cos θ + sec θ = 2
cos θ + 1/cos θ = 2
cos2 θ + 1 –2cos θ = 0
(cos θ – 1)2 = 0
cos θ = 1
θ = 0
cos10 θ + sec11 θ = 1 + 1 = 2

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