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English Language For IBPS PO | 29- 10- 18

Mahendra Guru
English Language For IBPS PO | 29- 10- 18
Dear Aspirants,

As IBPS has released the official notification of the Common Recruitment Process for selection of personnel for Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee posts and the exam is tentatively scheduled to be held in October / November 2018. Looking at the notification, we have now started subject-wise quizzes for the exam. It will include quizzes of all the subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning and Computer. All these quizzes will be strictly based on the latest pattern of the IBPS PO exam and will be beneficial for your preparations. So, keep following the quizzes which will provide you a set of 10 questions daily. 

Here, we are providing you important questions of English Language for IBPS PO 2018 exam.

Q1-10. Fill in the passage with the appropriate words. 

The Union cabinet will further review gas prices and no immediate change is in the offing. While a calibration in the formula to work out natural gas prices that would _(1)_ it cheaper initially is needed, creating an environment for eventual market-based pricing of natural gas must remain at the heart of policy. This makes sense as we are in the midst of eventful changes in the global energy sector at a moment when India needs energy security to kick-start industrial_(2)_ . 

Commercial exploitation of gas from shale formations in the US is set to loosen oil's chokehold on the global economy. In this fast-changing environment, India's _(3)_ are best served by transitioning to an _(4)_ regime where market determined prices provide the main signal in investment and consumption decisions. Most buyers of natural gas are power and fertiliser companies who do not have freedom to _(5)_ prices. 

In this backdrop, a phased transition to market price is the best way forward. Recent gas discoveries in North America and _(6)_ massive investments in extraction technology there have begun to open hitherto unviable fields for exploitation. This is the right time for India to prepare itself to take advantage of new developments in natural gas. While North America leads the way in shale gas discoveries, NDA should take the initiative here to set right India's coal sector. Coal accounts for more than half of our primary commercial energy. India's power sector will remain _(7)_ dependent on coal. Yet, it is in coal that we remain in a rut and three governments in succession have been unable to make progress.

_(8)_ having large untapped reserves, India continues to import coal. The least NDA can do is revive and pass a legislative Bill, first introduced 14 years ago, to denationalise coal. Monopolies harm consumers and Coal India's shoddy performance has extracted an enormous economic toll. One of the lessons of the shale gas story is that innovations can quickly change the economics of a source of energy. Even if hydrocarbons continue their dominance, it would not be _(9)_ to write off renewable sources of energy. We could well be on the threshold of a wave of innovations that make them _(10)_ viable. India's energy policy must be tweaked to exploit such a scenario as policy flexibility remains the only constant in a fast-changing world.

Q1- Correct option for (1)- 

1) preparing 

2) produced 

3) scatter 

4) make 

5) creates 

Q2- Correct option for (2)- 

1) growth 

2) advance 

3) developing 

4) cultivation 

5) extension 

Q3- Correct option for (3)- 

1) activity 

2) enthusiasm 

3) interests 

4) boredom 

5) vocation 

Q4- Correct option for (4)- 

1) curiosity 

2) passion 

3) important 

4) energy 

5) toughness 

Q5- Correct option for (5)- 

1) addition 

2) increase 

3) development 

4) abridgment 

5) depletion

Q6- Correct option for (6)- 

1) happening 

2) preceding 

3) simultaneous 

4) divided 

5) together 

Q7- Correct option for (7)- 

1) laborious 

2) lightly 

3) easily 

4) heavily 

5) tediously 

Q8- Correct option for (8)- 

1) Although 

2) Seldom 

3) No sooner 

4) Since 

5) Despite 

Q9- Correct option for (9)- 

1) expensive 

2) prudent 

3) thrifty 

4) judicious 

5) homogeneous

Q10- Correct option for (10)- 

1) glutton 

2) honorary 

3) iconoclast 

4) commercially 

5) homicide 


Q1. (4) 

For other option- scatter- strew 

Q2. (1) 

Q3. (1) For other options- Cultivation- development of land for growing, Extension- enlargement 

Q4. (3) For other options- Boredom- disinterest, Vocation- life's work 

Q5. (4) For other option- Toughness- determination 

Q6. (2) For other options- Depletion- exhaustion, Abridgment- condensation 

Q7. (3) For other option- preceding- earlier 

Q8. (4) For other option- Tediously- laboriously 

Q9. (2) For other options- Homogeneous- similar, Judicious- wise 

Q10. (4) For other options- Honorary- honorific, Iconoclast- detractor. 

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