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English Language For IBPS Clerk | 23- 11- 18

Mahendra Guru
English Language For IBPS Clerk | 23- 11- 18
Dear Aspirants,

As IBPS has released the official notification of the Common Recruitment Process for selection of personnel for Clerical cadre Posts and the exam is tentatively scheduled to be held December 2018 & January 2019. Looking at the notification, we have now started subject-wise quizzes for the exam. It will include quizzes of all the subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning and Computer. All these quizzes will be strictly based on the latest pattern of the IBPS Clerk exam and will be beneficial for your preparations. So, keep following the quizzes which will provide you a set of 10 questions daily. 

Here, we are providing you important questions of English Language for IBPS Clerk 2018 exam.

Q.1-5. Rearrange the following sentences: 

(A) At the end of an unusually long three-day meeting, the Monetary Policy Committee of the Reserve Bank of India opted for a hike in key interest rates by 25 basis points — the first such increase in four and a half years. 

(B) The rupee, along with other emerging market currencies, is hurting too, but the RBI Governor dismissed suggestions that the rate hike was a bid to stem outflows. 

(C) Global uncertainties affecting emerging markets in particular have played a role as well — be it rising tensions over trade wars initiated by the U.S. administration or the strthening dollar or further rate hikes by the Federal Reserve that could strthen the exodus of global capital from emerging markets such as India. 

(D) This hike, the first during this NDA government’s tenure, was approved unanimously by the six-member committee, citing worries about hardening inflation trends and a firming up of growth recovery at home. 

(E) Already, between January and May, outflows from foreign portfolio investors have reached their highest level in 10 years, and by June 4, $6. billion was pulled out on a net basis from the domestic capital market. 

(F) The MPC, he asserted, is driven purely by its inflation management mandate, and there is no contradiction between the rate hike and the committee sticking to its neutral policy stance. 

Q.1 Which of the following would be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement? 

(1) B (2) A (3) F (4) D (5) None of them 

Q.2 Which of the following would be the LAST sentence after rearrangement? 

(1) B                 (2) A                 (3) F                 (4) D                 (5) None of them 

Q.3 Which of the following would be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement? 

(1) B                 (2) A                 (3) F                 (4) D                 (5) None of them 

Q.4 Which of the following would be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement? 

(1) B                 (2) A                 (3) F                 (4) D                 (5) None of them 

Q.5 Which of the following would be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement? 

(1) B                 (2) A                 (3) F                 (4) D                 (5) None of them 

Q.6-10. In the following questions, few phrases are highlighted which may or may not be correct in terms of grammar. Below are given alternatives to improve them in case of any error and if there is no error, mark (5) as your option. 

Q6. If U.S. president decides to pull back of the Iran deal, (A)/ it would start the unravelling of an agreement that nobody has violated and the U.S. should access (B)/ the agreement based on its merit and outcomes, not on narrow geopolitical nor ideological calculations. (C) 

(A) decides to pull out of the Iran deal 

(B) nobody has violated and the U.S. should assess 

(C) not on narrow geopolitical or ideological calculations 

(1) Only A 

(2) Only B and C 

(3) Only A and C 

(4) All of them 

(5) No error 

Q7. In recent years, we have entered into a new era and I call it the Era of Irrationality, (A)/ there appears to be a relay race among people in public, each one making an astonishingly ridiculous claim and (B)/ then passing on the baton, Mr. Sharma’s claim that the Internet existed in the times of the Mahabharata is the latest. (C) 

(A) we have entered a new era and I call it 

(B) relay race among people in public positions 

(C) then passing on the baton 

(1) Only A 

(2) Only C 

(3) Only A and B 

(4) All of them 

(5) No error 

Q8. A lot has already been written on why is the Supreme Court order prejudicial to the cause of justice for victims of (A)/ caste atrocities but the underlying case that triggered the controversial judgment (B)/ hasn’t received enough attention so it might be instructive to briefly consider the facts of this case. (C) 

(A) written on why the Supreme Court order is prejudicial 

(B) caste atrocities and the underlying case that triggered 

(C) it might be instructive to consider briefly 

(1) Only A 

(2) Only B and C 

(3) Only A and C 

(4) All of them 

(5) No error 

Q9. Even if India is not quite with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty sanctioned (A)/ top table of the original five nuclear weapons states, it is not in the company (B)/ either of the other two self-declared nuclear weapons powers, Pakistan and North Korea, therein lies the rub. (C) 

(A) Even if India is not quite at 

(B) it is not for the company 

(C) neither of the other two self-declared nuclear weapons powers 

(1) Only A 

(2) Only B and C 

(3) Only A and C 

(4) All of them 

(5) No error 

Q10. Good news has finally started to roll out of the refurbished bankruptcy courts, Tata Steel acquired 3% stake (A)/ in the bankrupt firm Bhushan Steel for about ₹35,000 crore last week, (B)/ making it the first major resolution of a bankruptcy case under the new Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code. (C) 

(A) roll down of the refurbished bankruptcy courts 

(B) from about ₹35,000 crore last week 

(C) major resolution to a bankruptcy case under the new 

(1) Only A 

(2) Only B and C 

(3) Only A and C 

(4) All of them 

(5) No error 


Q.1-5- Correct Sequence: ADCEBF 











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