1. RECIPROCITY (NOUN): (पारस्परिकता) interchange
Synonyms: mutuality, reciprocation
Antonyms: separation, disagreement
Example Sentence:
Without reciprocity, a relationship will eventually begin to feel one-sided.
2. DICTUM (NOUN): (घोषणा) affirmation
Synonyms: assertion, declaration
Antonyms: denial, request
Example Sentence:
She had a dictum for every mistake I made as a teenager.
3. RATTLE (VERB): (घबड़ा देना) make someone worried
Synonyms: upset someone, disturb
Antonyms: comfort, soothe
Example Sentence:
She turned quickly, rattled by his presence".
4. REINSTATE (VERB): (बहाल करना) restore
Synonyms: rehabilitate, revive
Antonyms: destroy, kill
Example Sentence:
The union threatened strike action if he was not reinstated.
5. ALUMNUS (NOUN): (भूतपूर्व छात्र) educated/ ex-student
Synonyms: old grad, alumna
Antonyms: undergraduate, uneducated
Example Sentence:
He is an intelligent alumnus.
6. UNCOUTH (ADJECTIVE): (बेढंगा) clumsy, uncultivated
Synonyms: awkward, barbaric
Antonyms: agile, couth
Example Sentence:
Manoj behaved in an uncouth manner.
7. TRITE (ADJECTIVE): (घिसे-पिटे) hackneyed
Synonyms: dull, cliche
Antonyms: fresh, new
Example Sentence:
I don’t want to involve in the trite conversation they were having.
8. MURKY (ADJECTIVE): (धुंधला) cloudy
Synonyms: misty, foggy
Antonyms: bright, clear
Example Sentence:
The fight was going on in the murky environment.
9. PALLIATE (VERB): (शांत करना) abate
Synonyms: allay, assuage
Antonyms: increase, intensify
Example Sentence:
Perhaps a nap will palliate my headache.
10. OBLIQUE (ADJECTIVE): (अप्रत्यक्ष) indirect
Synonyms: backhanded, vague
Antonyms: constituent, element
Example Sentence:
He issued an oblique attack on the President.