1. OBNOXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): extremely unpleasant (घृणित)
Synonyms: abhorrent, annoying
Antonyms: agreeable, friendly
Example Sentence:
The man was asked to leave the restaurant because of his obnoxious behavior.
2. VULNERABLE (ADJECTIVE): open to attack (असुरक्षित)
Synonyms: accessible, defenseless
Antonyms: guarded, protected
Example Sentence:
We were in a vulnerable position.
3. AVER (VERB): to state firmly and strongly that something is true (दृढ़ता से कहना)
Synonyms: assert, declare
Antonyms: deny, disclaim
Example Sentence:
Nia averred that she had never seen that man before.
4. ELLIPTICAL (ADJECTIVE): oval-shaped (अंडाकार)
Synonyms: egg-shaped, ellipsoidal
Antonyms: square-shaped, rectangular-shaped
Example Sentence:
Mayur was told about an elliptical orbit.
5. ALLIANCE (NOUN): accord (गठबंधन)
Synonyms: affinity, connection
Antonyms: antagonism, detachment
Example Sentence:
They decided to stay away from the malodorous room.
6. QUIRK (NOUN): strange act (विचित्रता)
Synonyms: knack, quibble
Antonyms: conformity, normality
Example Sentence:
It was just another quirk by Mohit.
7. NIGGARD (ADJECTIVE): ungenerous (कंजूस)
Synonyms: penurious, miserly
Antonyms: generous, kind
Example Sentence:
Siya is a niggard landlady.
8. REPINE (VERB): complain (शिकायत करना)
Synonyms: grumble, lament
Antonyms: compliment, praise
Example Sentence:
Anjali repined against Abhineet.
9. PERENNIAL (ADJECTIVE): enduring (बहुवर्षीय)
Synonyms: continual, never-ending
Antonyms: ceasing, ending
Example Sentence:
Because she is a perennial optimist, it’s unusual for anything to bring her down.
10. TRYST (NOUN): meeting (गुप्त भेंट)
Synonyms: appointment, rendezvous
Antonyms: separation, division
Example Sentence:
They had dinner in a moonlight tryst.