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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 06-04-19

Mahendra Guru
1. FACILITATE (VERB): (सुगम करना) aid 

Synonyms: ease, expedite 

Antonyms: impede, cease 

Example Sentence: 

Schools were located in the same campus to facilitate the sharing of resources.

2. GAMBIT (NOUN): (योजना) trick 

Synonyms: ploy, ruse 

Antonyms: honesty, frankness 

Example Sentence: 

His resignation was a tactical gambit. 

3. ASTRAY (ADVERB): (गुमराह) off track

Synonyms: adrift, off target

Antonyms: stable, anchored

Example Sentence: 

The gunman claimed that the shots had gone astray.

4. DESPOTISM (NOUN): (तानाशाही) absolute power

Synonyms: autocracy, dictatorship

Antonyms: democracy, equalitarianism

Example Sentence:  

After their generations living under despotism, citizens were happy to see a kind emperor.

5. HOODWINK (VERB): (छलना) to deceive someone

Synonyms: mislead, swindle

Antonyms: support, safeguard

Example Sentence: 

Insurance deals often hoodwink customers by making hollow promises.

6. DAINTY (ADJECTIVE): (सूक्ष्म) delicately small and pretty

Synonyms: petite, cute
Antonyms: ugly, repulsive

Example Sentence: 

The puppy’s dainty nose looked very cute, convincing everybody’s to love it.

7. ABLUTION (NOUN): (स्नान, मज्जन) the act of washing

Synonyms: cleansing, decontamination

Antonyms: contamination, pollution

Example Sentence: 

Mina performed the ablution of the wound and applied some disinfectant to avoid further infection.

8. AMBLE (VERB): (टहलना) to walk casually

Synonyms: stroll, wander

Antonyms: rush, dash

Example Sentence: 

Rashmi rather ambled through the halls than attend the session.

9. COVET (VERB): (लोभ करना) to greatly desire something you lack

Synonyms: crave, fancy to

Antonyms: abjure, hate

Example Sentence: 

Anitha tends to covet quality time with his family.

10. SWAMP (NOUN): (कीचड़) quagmire 

Synonyms: marshland, lowland 

Antonyms: clean land, clear 

Example Sentence: 

This area is full of swamp so it smells fouls all the time. 

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