1. PARTISAN (ADJECTIVE): (पक्षपातपूर्ण) biased
Synonyms: unjust, one-sided
Antonyms: fair, unbiased
Example Sentence:
Newspapers have become increasingly partisan.
2. YEARNING (NOUN): (इच्छा) desire
Synonyms: aspiration, craving
Antonyms: apathy, disinterest
Example Sentence:
His success satisfied his yearning.
3. INCUR (VERB): (अपने उपर लेना/उठाना) bring upon oneself
Synonyms: obtain, acquire
Antonyms: forfeit, lose
Example Sentence:
Suneet incurred the wrath of the gods.
4. GUSHING (ADJECTIVE): (फुहार छोड़ती हुई) flowing
Synonyms: spouting, pouring out
Antonyms: stagnant, frozen
Example Sentence:
The gushing river, flooded the fields.
5. MURKY (ADJECTIVE): (संदेहयुक्त) questionable
Synonyms: suspicious, dubious
Antonyms: trustworthy, undoubted
Example Sentence:
A government minister with a murky past.
6. DEARTH (NOUN): (कमी) scarcity
Synonyms: paucity, meagerness
Antonyms: adequacy, abundance
Example Sentence: The dearth of resources forced the company to shut down.
7. EXTENSIVELY (ADVERB): (दूर तक) widely
Synonyms: broadly, greatly
Antonyms: minutely, marginally
Example Sentence:
The scheme extensively benefitted the masses.
8. ALLEGIANCE (VERB): (निष्ठा) : loyalty
Synonyms: faithfulness, fidelity
Antonyms: disloyalty, disobedience
Example Sentence:
Those wishing to receive citizenship must swear allegiance to the republic.
9. SCRUPULOUSLY (ADVERB): (अति सतर्कतापूर्वक) carefully
Synonyms: meticulously, precisely
Antonyms: inadequately, carelessly
Example Sentence:
The policies must be scrupulously observed.
10. VANITY (NOUN): (घमंड) egotism
Synonyms: conceitedness, ostentation
Antonyms: humility, modesty
Example Sentence:
He displays vanity.