1. ZAP (VERB): (नष्ट करना): destroy
Synonyms: kill, slaughter
Antonyms: bear, begin
Example Sentence:
Pakistan zapped the LOC area.
2. SKIRMISH (NOUN): (झड़प): fight
Synonyms: altercation, argument
Antonyms: peace, retreat
Example Sentence:
The skirmish lasted about fifteen minutes near my house.
3. EMPATHY (NOUN): (हमदर्दी): understanding
Synonyms: affinity, appreciation
Antonyms: disdain, hatred
Example Sentence:
Perhaps because of empathy, we are together since 2000.
4. TUSSLE (NOUN): (संघर्ष): struggle
Synonyms: brawl, fray
Antonyms: surrender, retreat
Example Sentence:
He faced so much tussle throughout his life.
5. IMPROMPTU (ADJECTIVE): (बिना तैयारी के): unrehearsed
Synonyms: offhand, unscripted
Antonyms: deliberate, planned
Example Sentence:
It was an impromptu effort to avoid telling me who they are, but they are known.
6. IMPUGN (VERB): (बहस करना): criticize, challenge
Synonyms: assail, tar
Antonyms: agree, aid
Example Sentence:
You should not impugn his efforts.
7. COMPACT (ADJECTIVE): (सघन): condensed
Synonyms: solid, tight
Antonyms: empty, loose
Example Sentence:
A compact little group of men rounded the bend and approached.
8. SPONTANEOUS (ADJECTIVE): (स्वाभाविक): impulsive
Synonyms: casual, simple
Antonyms: intended, premeditated
Example Sentence:
At her spontaneous act of welcome a light came into my eyes.
9. MELEE (NOUN): (हाथापाई): battle
Synonyms: brawl, fracas
Antonyms: peace, agreement
Example Sentence:
In the melee, Rahul looked at the eyes of Sanjay.
10. MASSED (ADJECTIVE): (संख्या में एकत्र): composite
Synonyms: concerted, corporate
Antonyms: separate, unshared
Example Sentence:
The heavens darkened with massed fliers.