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Mahendras Myshop Membership !!

Mahendra Guru

At Mahendras, our aim is to provide you with the best services at minimum prices. In the same series, we are adding one more facility to make your preparations stronger.This facility is Myshop Membership (Nano, Prime & Prime+). It is designed to deliver our superior services to students with unique benefits. In this facility, we will provide you with the bunch of services like Speed Tests, Video Guru- Bank, SSC, Railway, E-news, E-MICA etc. through it. Along with it, we will give you rewards points so that you can get more facilities at discounted prices in the near future.

We have three membership plans for you:

1) NANO: Under this membership, you will get all the facilities for 3 months.

2) PRIME: Under this membership, you will get all the facilities for 6 months.

3) PRIME+:This membership plan will enable you to get its facilities till the validity period of 12 months.

Facilities to be covered:

1- ALL ST (All In One): This speed test card will include all the speed tests of Bank, SSC, Railway & State Level exams provided by Mahendras. 

2- VIDEO GURU BANK: This Video Guru will be the one-stop solution for all your troubles related to your preparation for banking exams. It will cover all the four subjects of your Bank exams - Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, General Awareness and English Language. 

3- VIDEO GURU SSC: Video Guru will be the one-stop solution for all your troubles related to your preparation for SSC exams. It will cover all the four subjects of your SSC exams - Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, General Studies and English Language. 

4- VIDEO GURU RAILWAY: Video Guru will be the one-stop solution for all your troubles related to your preparation for Railway exams. This package will be covered only non-technical portion of related posts. It will cover all the three subjects of your Railway exams - Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability and General Studies. 

5- E-News: It is a facility where you will get e-news that is important for your GA & Current Affairs section and will be very beneficial in preparing the Current Affairs section of your exams. 

6- E-Mica: E-MICA is a monthly current affairs magazine that will cover the month-wise current affairs and will include National, International, Prizes, Business, Economics, Editorials etc. news of the particular month. 

7-ST VIDEO SOLUTION: We will provide Speed Test solution in video format so that if you have doubt in any question, it can be resolved easily. This feature will be valid for the sts which are conducted in Mahendras Branches (Applicable on Mahendras Candidates Only). 

8- Reward Point: You can utilize these reward points in the purchasing of myshop products, Self Admission etc. But you can avail the benefits of reward points only in the validity duration of membership i.e. 3 months.

Reward Points Earn and Redeem Benefits
Welcome Reward Points

Self Admission Benefits Using Reward Points
Mahendras Referral Admission Benefits
Reward Point Benefits On Purchasing Of Myshop Products-
Reward Points Benefit After Becoming Mahendras Candidate

So, do not just wait, go and grab it.

If you any query, feel free to contact us on 1800-103-5225 (9:00 am to 6:00 pm).

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