1. HAUGHTY (ADJECTIVE): (घमंडी): arrogant
Synonyms: brash, nervy
Antonyms: humble, meek
Example Sentence:
Dhairya is such a cocky entrepreneur.
2. APATHY (NOUN): (उदासीनता): indifference
Synonyms: aloofness, coldness
Antonyms: concern, sympathy
Example Sentence:
3. ARCANE (ADJECTIVE): (गुप्त): esoteric
Synonyms: cabalistic, occult
Antonyms: known, common
Example Sentence:
They follow the arcane procedures for electing people.
4. ARBITRARY (ADJECTIVE): (चपल): capricious
Synonyms: discretionary, erratic
Antonyms: logical, reasonable
Example Sentence:
Abhinay had an arbitrary idea.
5. ANTIPATHY (NOUN): (विद्वेष): animosity
Synonyms: animus, aversion
Synonyms: admiration, appreciation
Example Sentence:
His mind is full of antipathy towards them.
6. APPEASE (VERB): (बढ़ाना): allay
Synonyms: alleviate, assuage
Antonyms: agitate, irritate
Example Sentence:
That statement appeased me.
7. AUGMENT (VERB): (बढ़ाना): make greater
Synonyms: enhance, aggrandize
Antonyms: reduce, curtail
Example Sentence:
The lights augmented the beauty.
8. AUDACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (साहसी): adventurous
Synonyms: bold, resolute
Antonyms: timid, weak
Example Sentence:
Viraj is such an audacious boy.
9. ARCHAIC (ADJECTIVE): (पुरातन): outmoded
Synonyms: obsolete, ancient
Antonyms: current, modern
Example Sentence:
This saree is archaic these days.
10. AVER (VERB): (दृढ़ता से कहना): affirm
Synonyms: assert, claim
Antonyms: deny, disprove
Example Sentence:
Ronit averred that he was late that day.