1. BOURGEOIS (ADJECTIVE): commonplace :(मध्यमवर्गीय)
Synonyms: materialistic, philistine
Antonyms: adventurous, imaginative
Example Sentence:
He is from a bourgeois family.
2. ABOMINABLE (ADJECTIVE): loathsome :(घृणास्पद)
Synonyms: abhorrent, atrocious
Antonyms: desirous, pleasing
Example Sentence:
3. AMBIGUITY (NOUN): uncertainty of meaning :(संदिग्धता)
Synonyms: doubt, vagueness
Antonyms: clarity, certainty
Example Sentence:
The students detect no ambiguity in the speech delivered by the master.
4. ADJOURN (VERB): stop a proceeding :(टालना)
Synonyms: delay, postpone
Antonyms: carry out, continue
Example Sentence:
The sentence was adjourned for a social inquiry report.
5. AUSPICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): advantageous :(मंगल)
Synonyms: felicitous, opportune
Antonyms: unpromising, unsuitable
Example Sentence:
It was not the most auspicious moment to hold a meeting.
6. BALEFUL (ADJECTIVE): menacing :(हानिकारक)
Synonyms: calamitous, sinister
Antonyms: favourable, promising
Example Sentence:
Arnab shot a baleful glance in her direction.
7. BEHOLD (VERB): observe :(निहारना)
Synonyms: see, view
Antonyms: ignore, overlook
Example Sentence:
She was beholding her little baby’s feet.
8. BLANDISH (VERB): flatter :(चापलूसी करना)
Synonyms: adulate, cajole
Antonyms: disparage, bully
Example Sentence:
The boss said to the employee, “don’t blandish me unnecessarily.”
9. ADMONISH (VERB): warn :(चेतावनी देना)
Synonyms: berate, chide
Antonyms: laud, praise
Example Sentence:
He was admonished by his teacher.
10. CONCEIT (NOUN): egotism :(मिथ्यागर्व)
Synonyms: arrogance, complacence
Antonyms: humility, modesty
Example Sentence:
Trisha was puffed up with conceit.
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