1. SPANNED (VERB): (पुल बांधना) extend from side to side
Synonyms: connect, extend
Antonyms: unlink, condense
Example Sentence:
2.ENCAPSULATED (VERB): (समझाया) express essential features of something, summarize
Synonyms: box, cover
Antonyms: free, let go
Example Sentence:
It is difficult to encapsulate the story of the revolution in a single hour.
3. TENET (VERB): (सिद्धांत) one of the principles on which a belief or theory is based.
Synonyms: belief, principle
Antonyms: doubt, skepticism
Example Sentence:
A major tenet of the women’s movement is that society needs their talents.
4. TANTAMOUNT (ADJECTIVE): (समान) equivalent in seriousness to, as good as
Synonyms: arise, exude
Antonyms: conceal, hold, keep
Example Sentence:
His refusal to answer was tantamount to the admission of guilt.
5. VERBOSE (ADJECTIVE): (शब्दबहुल) expressed in more words than needed, garrulous.
Synonyms: bombastic, diffuse
Antonyms: concise, succinct
Example Sentence:
Shashi Tharoor’s writings are often difficult and verbose.
6. EBB (NOUN/VERB): (भाटा) movement of tide out of sea, going out, flowing back
Synonyms: abatement, drop
Antonyms: advance, development
Example Sentence:
My enthusiasm was ebbing away after constant failures.
7. RESUSCITATE (VERB): (पुनर्जीवित) bring back to life.
Synonyms: energize, resurrect
Antonyms: destroy, bore
Example Sentence:
Various measures are being taken to resuscitate our ailing economy.
8. STRADDLES (VERB/NOUN): (पैर फैलाकर बैठना) sit or stand with one leg on either side.
Synonyms: mount, ride
Antonyms: drop, lower
Example Sentence:
Our farm straddles the railway line.
9. INTERPLAY (NOUN): (परस्पर) The way in which two or more things have an effect on each other.
Synonyms: mesh, exchange
Antonyms: stag, torpidity
Example Sentence:
This interplay is especially the case between touch and sight.
10. PALPABLE (ADJECTIVE): (स्पष्ट) so obvious that it can be easily seen or known.
Synonyms: apparent, credible
Antonyms: ambiguous, obscure
Example Sentence:
The tension in the room was palpable during the exam.
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