1. OPPRESSION (NOUN): (उत्पीड़न) the state of being subject to oppressive treatment., misery;
Synonyms: despotism, maltreatment
Antonyms: kindness, affection
Example Sentence:
2. DAWDLE (VERB): (समय नष्ट करना) waste time; be slow.
Synonyms: loiter, procrastinate
Antonyms: hasten, hurry
Example Sentence:
She warned her son to not to dawdle.
3. NOXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (हानिकारक) harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant; deadly, injurious.
Synonyms: destructive, harmful
Antonyms: helpful, kind
Example Sentence:
This is a noxious chemical.
4. CONFISCATE (VERB): (ज़ब्त करना): take or seize (someone's property) with authority.
Synonyms: appropriate, impound
Antonyms: free, release
Example Sentence:
They confiscated mobile phones propaganda material.
5. YORE (NOUN): (बीता हुआ समय): time gone by
Synonyms: history, antiquity
Antonyms: future, present
Example Sentence:
In the days of yore, the Internet did not exist.
6. INVINCIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (अजेय): too powerful to be defeated or overcome, indestructible;
Synonyms: impregnable, invulnerable
Antonyms: beatable, breakable
Example Sentence:
The team proved it was not invincible when it lost the last game of the season.
7. WHEEDLE (VERB): (खुशामद से मना लेना): flatter
Synonyms: cajole, coax
Antonyms: disgust, bully
Example Sentence:
To wheedle your boss is not a solution of every problem.
8. RAMBUNCTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (उधमी): loud, energetic
Synonyms: boisterous, noisy
Antonyms: calm, quiet
Example Sentence:
It was a rambunctious party.
9. FANATICAL (ADJECTIVE): (कट्टर): narrow minded
Synonyms: orthodox, biased
Antonyms: liberal, unprejudiced
Example Sentence:
In old days most of the people had fanatical thinking.
10. EPIGRAM (NOUN): (चुटकुला): joke
Synonyms: witticism, quirk
Antonyms: seriousness, sincerity
Example Sentence:
He is an expert in cracking epigrams.
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