1. ANTECEDENT (NOUN/ADJ): (पुर्ववृत्ता): a person's ancestors or family and social background.
Synonyms: anterior, former
Antonyms: current, future
Example Sentence:
2. COHORT (NOUN): (समूह): a group of people with a shared characteristic.
Synonyms: unit, force
Antonyms: division, disunity
Example Sentence:
A cohort of civil servants patiently drafting legislation.
3.CONVICTED (ADJECTIVE): (अपराधी): having been declaed guilty of a criminal offence.
Synonyms: culprit, captive
Antonyms: acquit, clear
Example Sentence:
Criminals convicted with any offence do not get a job easily.
4. DETERRENT (NOUN/ADJ.): (निवारक): discouragement
Synonyms: damper, impediments
Antonyms: encouragement, incentive
Example Sentence:
Some people say that capital punishment acts as a deterrent.
5. LACKADAISICAL (ADJ.): (छुईमुई): careless lazy, lax.
Synonyms: half-hearted, uninterested
Antonyms: enthusiastic, excited
Example Sentence:
The food was nice enough but the service was somewhat lackadaisical.
6. PATRONAGE (NOUN): (संरक्षण): support given to an organization by someone.
Synonyms: aegis, subsidy
Antonyms: attack, blockage
Example Sentence:
The charity enjoys the patronage of many prominent local business people.
7. EXPEDIENCY (NOUN): (मुनाफा): quality of being convenient but immorally.
Synonyms: convenience, prudence
Antonyms: limitation, disadvantage
Example sentence:
As a matter of expediency we will not be taking on any new staff this year.
8. ERSTWHILE (ADJ/ADV.): (भूतपूर्व): former, old, past
Synonyms: previous, prior
Antonyms: present, future
Example Sentence:
The erstwhile donors might cease to donate.
9. PREPONDERATE (VERB):(वर्चस्व रखना):predominant in influence, number, or importance.
Synonyms: dictate, overrule
Antonyms: follow, lose
Example Sentence:
Do not even think of preponderating me.
10. TRAGIC (ADJECTIVE):(भयंकर): appalling
Synonyms: awful, deplorable
Antonyms: pleasant, wonderful
Example Sentence:
Merriam saw the tragic women of the wards.