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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 06-01-2020

Aditi Mahendras
The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 06-01-2020

1. SUBVERSION (NOUN):(विनाश) destruction, end 

Synonyms: sabotage, disruption 

Antonyms: continuation, assistance 

Example Sentence: 

I don’t know the extent of the others’ subversion. 

2.OPACITY (NOUN):(अस्पष्टता) non-transparency 

Synonyms: darkness, obscurity 

Antonyms: brightness, cognizance 

Example Sentence: 

I could not see anything due to opacity. 

3.RENEGE (VERB):(इनकार) go back on a promise 

Synonyms: reverse, welsh 

Antonyms: correction, accuracy 

Example Sentence: 

People have reneged on a core promise laid out in the preamble of the constitution. 

4. PUTREFACTION (NOUN):(भ्रष्टाचार) the process of decay 

Synonyms: adulteration, decomposition

 Antonyms: betterment, growth 

Example sentence: 

At an early age Mathew contributed to our knowledge of the causes of putrefaction and fermentation. 

5. DESPOIL (VERB):(लूटना) steal or violently remove valuable possessions from; plunder.

Synonyms: desecrate, devour 

Antonyms: construct, assemble 

Example Sentence: 

We must despoil our enemy and his objectives. 

6. STIR (VERB): (हलचल) mix up 

Synonyms: whip, quiver

 Antonyms: unmix, separate 

Example Sentence: 

He stirred the drink for us to drink. 

7. VISAGES (NOUN ):(छवि) human faces 

Synonyms: aspect, features

 Antonyms: disappearance, vanishing 

Example Sentence: 

My teacher can see blurry visages from the distance. 

8. ENERVATE (ADJECTIVE):(कमजोर) lacking in energy or vitality. 

Synonyms: debilitate, exhaust 

Antonyms: energize, strengthen 

Example Sentence: 

He was enervated by the mettlesome picnic. 

9. VOW (VERB): (शपथ) a solemn promise.

Synonyms: swear, plight, pledge

Antonyms: disavow, repudiate

Example Sentence:

I vowed myself to this enterprise. 

10. PERSECUTE (VERB): (सताना, कष्ट देना) harass or annoy (someone) persistently.

Synonyms: harass, hound, bait

Antonyms: comfort, soothe, reassure

Example Sentence:

Hilda was persecuted by some of the other girls.


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