1. OUTBREAK (NOUN): (प्रकोप): breakout
Synonyms: outburst, epidemic
Antonyms: subsidence, pacification
Example Sentence:
2. COVENANT (NOUN): (प्रतिज्ञापत्र): treaty
Synonyms: contract, compact
Antonyms: promise, understanding
Example Sentence:
There was a covenant between them that her name was never to be mentioned.
3. PRECAUTIONARY (ADJECTIVE): (निवारक): preventive
Synonyms: protective, precautional
Antonyms: carelessness, thoughtlessness
Example Sentence:
She was taken to hospital as a precautionary measure.
4. PLUMMET (VERB): (गिरना): decrease
Synonyms: plunge, tumble
Antonyms: soar, rise
Example Sentence:
Hardware sales plummeted recently.
5. IMPENDING (ADJECTIVE): (आसन्न): upcoming
Synonyms: approaching, coming
Antonyms: distant
Example Sentence:
My impending wedding will happens soon.
6. EVACUATE (VERB): (छोड़कर अन्यत्र जाना): evict
Synonyms: move out, shift
Antonyms: return to
Example Sentence:
Fire alarms forced staff to evacuate the building.
7. PROCESSION (NOUN): (जुलूस): march
Synonyms: parade, jatha
Antonyms: retreat
Example Sentence:
I was a part of the funeral procession.
8. AGGRAVATE (VERB): (बदतर करना): worsen
Synonyms: exacerbate, intensify
Antonyms: calm, reduce
Example Sentence:
The exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem.
9. WAIVE (VERB): (छोड़ देना): renounce
Synonyms: give up, reject
Antonyms: claim, pursue
Example Sentence:
He will waive all rights to the money.
10. CONGESTION (NOUN): (जमाव): overcrowding
Synonyms: crowding, obstruction
Antonyms: flow
Example Sentence:
The new bridge should ease congestion in the area.