1. DEBILITY (NOUN): (दुर्बलता): decrepitude
Synonyms: enervation, enfeeblement
Antonyms: soundness, healthiness
Example Sentence:
Even though she beat cancer, she still dealt with debility from her battle.
2. DISENTOMB (VERB): (अन्वेषण करना): disclose
Synonyms: resurrect, unearth
Antonyms: entomb, bury
Example Sentence:
They disentombed the matter.
3. CANARD (NOUN): (झूठी अफ़वाह): fabrications
Synonyms: exaggeration, lie
Antonyms: truth, reality
Example Sentence:
Her statement was full of canard.
4. BRIGAND (NOUN): (बटमार): hoodlum
Synonyms: bandit, desperado
Antonyms: law, police
Example Sentence:
He is a brigand.
5. DOYEN (NOUN): (वरिष्ठ एवं प्रतिष्ठित सदस्य): legislator
Synonyms: principal, authority
Antonyms: pupil, student
Example Sentence:
Anu is a doyen of this organisation.
6. DISTINGUISH (VERB): (अंतर करना): tell the difference
Synonyms: analyze, categorize
Antonyms: allow, combine
Example Sentence:
Distinguish the matter as soon as possible.
7. DUMBFOUND (VERB): (हक्का-बक्का करना): astound
Synonyms: amaze, astonish
Antonyms: calm, expect
Example Sentence:
Ansh did his best to dumbfound his boss.
8. COMPOSITE (ADJECTIVE): (संमिश्रित): mixed
Synonyms: complex, compound
Antonyms: homogeneous, simple
Example Sentence:
This composite body of troop can’t be recognized.
9. (FORECAST (NOUN): (पूर्वानुमान करना): prediction
Synonyms: projection, estimate
Antonyms: hindsight, ignorance
Example Sentence:
You are not a God that your forecast is going to be happened.
10. ENSNARE (VERB): (जाल में फंसाना): trap
Synonyms: cheat, embroil
Antonyms: free, liberate
Example Sentence:
Don't let anyone ensnare you.