1. CHAOTIC (ADJECTIVE): (अराजक): disorderly
Synonyms: disordered, disorganized
Antonyms: orderly
Example Sentence:
The political situation in the country was chaotic.
2. BRUTALITY (NOUN): (निर्दयता): savagery
Synonyms: cruelty, viciousness
Antonyms: gentleness
Example Sentence:
Brutality against civilians shouln't be tolerated.
3. INCUR (VERB): (अपने ऊपर लेना): suffer
Synonyms: sustain, experience
Antonyms: avoid
Example Sentence:
I will pay any expenses that have been incurred.
4. MUTUAL (ADJECTIVE): (पारस्परिक): reciprocal
Synonyms: reciprocated, requited
Antonyms: detached
Example Sentence:
A partnership should be based on mutual respect and understanding.
5. HOSTILITY (NOUN): (शत्रुता): antagonism
Synonyms: bitterness, malevolence
Antonyms: friendliness
Example Sentence:
There is too much hostility towards all outsiders.
6. CONSTERNATION (NOUN): (बेचैनी): dismay
Synonyms: perturbation, anxiety
Antonyms: satisfaction
Example Sentence:
To her consternation her car didn’t start.
7. UNFORTUNATE (NOUN): (खेदजनक): regrettable
Synonyms: inappropriate, unsuitable
Antonyms: tactful
Example Sentence:
His unfortunate remark silenced everyone.
8. APPREHENSION (NOUN): (शंका): anxiety
Synonyms: angst, alarm
Antonyms: confidence
Example Sentence:
He felt sick with apprehension.
9. SECONDARY (ADJECTIVE): (अप्रधान): subordinate
Synonyms: lesser, lower
Antonyms: primary
Example Sentence:
Luck plays a role, but it's ultimately secondary to local knowledge.
10. DISENGAGE (VERB): (छुड़ाना): remove
Synonyms: detach, disentangle
Antonyms: attach
Example Sentence:
I disengaged his hand from mine.
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