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Bankers Guru
Wire transfer 

An electronic payment service for transferring funds by wire (for example, through the Federal Reserve Wire Network or the Clearing House Inter Bank Payments System).


A removal of funds from an account.

Withdrawal Slip

A printed form supplied by a financial institution onto which the customer writes the amount of money to be taken out.


Statement attesting that certain statements are true. For instance, the borrower may warrant that it is a corporation, that it is entering into the agreement legally and that financial statements supplied to the bank are true.

Working Capital

Technically, means current assets and current liabilities. The term is commonly used a synonymous with net working capital. The term often also is used to refer to all short-term funding needs for operations (excluding debt service and fixed assets). A company's investment in current assets that are used to maintain normal business operations. Net working capital, which is the excess of current assets over current liabilities is also interchangeable with working capital. Both reflect the resources in circulation to meet operating needs and obligations as they come due. 

Write off

When an investment, such as a loan, becomes seriously delinquent or in default and is determined to be uncollectible, the lender may choose to charge the outstanding investment amount as an expense or a loss.

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