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English : Error Detection - Part -2

Bankers Guru

Q.1-10. Read each sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5).

Q. 1. Most companies now have security guards (1)/ in office vehicles when employees are (2) / being dropped off or picked (3)/ especially in the night (4)/ No Error (5)

Q. 2. Participants will be tested (1)/ on various mathematic tasks (2) / such as addition, multiplication (3)/ and finding square roots.(4)/ No Error (5)

Q. 3. Anti-social elements now believe (1)/ that they are above (2) / the law because their own (3)/ government is now power.(4)/ No Error (5)

Q. 4. Mr Gupta was neither demanding (1)/ the post of chief Minister (2) / or suggesting (3)/ anyone’s name for it.(4)/ No Error (5)

Q. 5. The country’s image as a land (1)/ of snake charmers is no longer (2) / reflected in books (3)/ produced these days.(4)/ No Error (5)

Q. 6. We should spent a good part of (1)/ the day in out of the door activities and(2)/games, because staying indoors all(3)/ the time is bad for health (4)/ No error (5)

Q. 7. It is apparent to everyone (1)/present that he would(2)/have died if he had (3)/ not received timely help(4)/ No error (5)

Q. 8. Every man, woman and(1)/child is now aware(2)/of the terrible consequences (3)/ of habit of smoking (4)/ No error(5)

Q. 9. It is difficult to compare countries(1)/because various factors such as size (2)/culture, history,natural endowments (3)/and internal polity comes into play(4)/No error(5)

Q.10. Documents describing the (1)/Chinese vision state that(2)/science and technology constitutes(3)/ premier productive forces (4)/ No error(5)


Q.1.(3) ‘Picked up’ should be used – which means ‘taken to some place.

Q.2.(2) ‘Mathematical’ should be used- an adjective is required .

Q.3.(4) ‘In power’ should be used- It means in the government

Q.4.(3) ‘Nor’ should replace ‘or’- Neither- nor is used


Q.6.(1) spend -' first form of verb' should be used in place of spent- third form of verb because 'should' auxiliary verb takes first form of verb.

Q.7.(1) here 'was' should be used in place of 'is' because the sentence is in past tense.

Q.8.(4) The should be used before habit.

Q.9.(4) 'come' should be used in place of 'comes', because here plural verb is required


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