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English : Fill In The Blanks : 23.04.2015

Bankers Guru

1. For the past few days, the temperature was ---------and the air was dry, giving hope that flu cases will go down. 

1. Marking

2. Pushing

3. Soaring

4. Ceiling

5. Driving

2. Humans are entering animal kingdom for their own needs hence the conflicts are getting -------------and intervention is required to allow animals live and survive. 

1. Common

2. Informal

3. Subside

4. Homely

5. Standard

3. In the ---------of a road, most residents were either forced to walk or use horses for commuting. 

1. Hence

2. Presence

3. Chance

4. Absence

5. Sustenance

4. Schools that send children for door to door collection of money for various causes will be --------------------under the Child Rights Act. 

1. Hailed

2. Distanced

3. Mourned

4. Prosecuted

5. Liberated

5. As the doors of many of the buses get jammed during accidents and fire, emergency exits were planned to speed up ----------operations. 

1. Service

2. Rescue

3. Peril

4. Recover

5. Acquit

6. We have an imbalanced structure of health services, in the sense that we don't provide free immunization but provide for free cure of diseases caused by the absence of that very------------------. 

1. Desperation

2. Consternation

3. Motion

4. Aspiration

5. Immunization

7. The expense of high school and higher secondary education ---------a number of students drop out. 

1. Frame

2. Speculate

3. Shift

4. Makes

5. Cause

8. If we have an ---------- public transport system, even private vehicle users would shift to public transport. 

1. Fragile

2. Stability

3. Efficient

4. Expensive

5. Conducive

9. One would be wiser if one -----------the quality of colours to avoid skin infections or other health-related disorders. 

1. Odour

2. Checks

3. Designed

4. Shut

5. Digs

10. We are taking all possible measures to see that nearly 1.5 crore power consumers in the state are supplied uninterrupted---------------. 

1. Electric

2. Order

3. Complaint

4. Demand

5. Power


1. (3) Soaring

2. (1) Common

3. (4) Absence

4. (4) Prosecuted

5. (2) Rescue

6. (5) Immunization

7. (4) Makes

8. (3) Efficient

9. (2) Checks

10. (5) Power

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