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English : Find Pair of Antonyms Or Synonyms - Part-1

Bankers Guru

Q.1-10. In each of the following question four words are given of which two words are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning. Find the two words which are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning and indicate the number of the correct word combination, by darking the appropriate oval in your answer sheet.

1. A. jest B. renew C. rampant D. rife 

1. A and C

2. B and D

3. A and B

4. C and D

5. A and C

2. A. persnickety B. ordeal C. fastidious D.cower 

1. B and D

2. A and C

3. B and C

4. A and B

5. C and D

3. A. limelight B. dearth C. abundance D. nonchalant 

1. A and C

2. A and B

3. B and C

4. B and D

5. C and D

4. A. incorporate B. alienate C. unusual D.raze 

1. A and B

2. B and D

3. C and D

4. A and C

5. B and C

5. A. avert B. listless C. fecund D. sluggish 

1. A and B

2. C and D

3. B and C

4. A and C

5. B and D

6. A. denial B. prolific C. bountiful D. apropos 

1. A and B

2. A and D

3. C and D

4. B and C

5. B and D

7. A. worthy B. mounted C. aspiration D. longing 

1. A and B

2. B and D

3. C and D

4. A and C

5. A and D

8. A. arid B. feeble C. serenity D. disruption 

1. A and B

2. B and C

3. A and D

4. B and D

5. C and D

9. A. escort B. compensate C.juxtapose D. shield 

1. B and D

2. A and B

3. C and D

4. A and D

5. A and C

10. A. peevish B. friendly C. lavish D.deleterious

1. C and D

2. A and B

3. A and C

4. B and D

5. A and D


1. (4) ‘Rampant’ and ‘rife’ are similar meaning words.

For other options:

Jest (n)- joke

2. (2) ‘Persnickety’ and ‘fastidious’ are similar meaning words.

For other options:

Ordeal (n)- trouble

Cower (v)- hide

3. (3) ‘Dearth’ and ‘abundance’ are opposite meaning words.

For other options:

Nonchalant (adj)- easygoing

4. (1) ‘Incorporate’ and ‘alienate’ are opposite meaning words.

For other options:

Raze (v)- destroy

5. (5) ‘Listless’ and ‘sluggish’ are similar meaning words.

For other options:

Fecund (adj)- fertile

6. (4) Prolific’ and ‘bountiful’ are similar meaning words.

For other options:

Apropos (adj)- apt

7. (3) ‘Aspiration’ and ‘longing’ are similar meaning words.

For other options:

Mounted (adj)- firmly fixed

8. (5) ‘Serenity’ and ‘disruption’ are opposite meaning words.

For other options:

Arid (adj)- dry

Feeble (adj)- weak

9. (4) ‘Escort’ and ‘shield’ are similar meaning words.

For other options:

Juxtapose (v)- bring near

10. (2) ‘Peevish; and ‘friendly’ are opposite meaning words.

For other options:

Lavish (adj)- showy

Deleterious (adj)- harmful

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