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English : Sentence Improvement - Part - 1

Bankers Guru

Q.1-10.Which of the Phrases(1), (2) (3) and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrases printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

Q.1. Jagannath was beaten to death by neighbors as playing music under high volume 

(1) not playing music over low volume

(2) for playing music at high volume

(3) but playing music at high volume

(4) of playing music at volume high

(5) No correction required

Q.2. To extended working hours to unhealthy food, a number of factors affect policemen

(1) Too extended working hours

(2) From extension working hours

(3) To extend working hours

(4) From extended working hours

(5) No correction required

Q.3. A green building is one which uses less water, optimizes energy efficiency, conserves natural resources, generates less waste and provides healthier spaced for occupants, as compared to a conventional building.

(1) healthier occupants space

(2) occupants healthy for spaces

(3) healthier space for occupants

(4) healthy spaced for occupants

(5) No correction required

Q.4. The exact cause of death remained unknown as post mortem examination could not establish anything.

(1) could establish anything

(2) could not establish nothing

(3) establish could not anything

(4) could establish not anything

(5) No correction required

Q.5. An international tobacco control survey has found that a ban on tobacco advertisements, especially where tobacco is sold, leads to lowers sales of cigarettes.

(1) leads to lower sold of 

(2) leads to lower sales under 

(3) leads to lower sales of 

(4) led to lower sales of 

(5) No correction required

Q.6. The notice outlines that the slum-dwellers are to shift from river banks to safer places and encroachments are to be do away.

(1) being done apart with 

(2) to be done away with 

(3) been done away with

(4) to be done away of 

(5) No correction required

Q.7. Police were left red-faced after six armed miscreants stormed into the store and decamped with worth ornaments lakhs of rupees.

(1) decamped with ornament worthy lakhs 

(2) decamp worth with ornament lakhs

(3) decamped with worth lakhs ornament 

(4) decamped with ornament worth lakhs

(5) No correction required

Q.8. The stock of kerosene is illegally stored especially in the monsoon season to sell it to the fishing boat owners.

(1) was illegally storing 

(2) is illegal stored 

(3) are illegally store

(4) illegal is stored 

(5) No correction required

Q.9. Establishment of small-scale industries should be promoted why it protects the environment and leads to the sustainable development of the state.

(1) promoted as well as it protects 

(2) promoted as if it protects 

(3) promoted as it protects 

(4) promoted as and when it protect 

(5) No correction required

Q.10. The policy will had several provisions for promoting private investor participation in solar power production

(1) will has several provisions 

(2) will have several provision 

(3) will have several provisions 

(4) will had provisionally several

(5) No correction required












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