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Reasoning Quiz - 6

Bankers Guru
Q.1-5 A number arrangement machine, when given an input line of numbers, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. (All the numbers are two digits numbers and are arranged as per some logic based on the value of the number.

Input: 56 64 34 78 98

Step I: 98 56 64 34 78

Step II: 98 78 56 64 34

Step III: 98 78 64 56 34

Step IV: 49 39 32 28 17

Step V: 07 25 02 50 81

Step VI: 03 21 -02 46 77

Step VII: 06 42 -04 92 154 

And Step VII is the last step of the arrangement of the above input.

As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out the answer in each of the following questions.

Input: 54 76 56 42 94 

(All the numbers given in the arrangement are two digit numbers.)

Q.1. Which of the following would be the Step IV?

(1) 47 38 27 28 21 (2) 38 47 27 28 21 

(3) 47 38 28 21 27 (4) 47 38 28 27 21

(5) None of these

Q.2. Which number would be at 4th position from the left in Step III?

(1) 54 (2) 76 (3) 56 (4) 42 (5) 94

Q.3. Which step number would be the following output?

03 34 24 11 69 

(1) There will be no such step (2) III (3) II (4) V (5) VI

Q.4. How many steps will be required to complete the above input?

(1) Six (2) Three (3) Five (4) Eight (5) None of these

Q.5. If last step of an input is 18 04 08 10 06 then which of the following would be the second last step?

(1) 09 02 05 03 04 

(2) 09 02 04 05 03

(3) 05 03 09 02 04 

(4) There will be no such step 

(5) None of these

Q.6-10 A word and number arrangement machine, when given an input line of words and numbers, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of an input and rearrangement given below.

Input : cool boy Reck 96 shiny 32 abby 17 hook 69 letter 29 pick 51 zeal 84

Step I : 96 cool boy Reck shiny 32 17 gook 69 letter 29 pick 51 zeal 84 abby

Step II: 96 84 cool Reck shiny 32 17 hook 69 letter 29 pick 51 zeal abby boy

Step III: 96 84 69 Reck shiny 32 17 hook letter 29 pick 51 zeal abby boy cool

Step IV: 96 84 69 51 Reck shiny 32 17 letter 29 pick zeal abby boy cool hook

Step V: 96 84 69 51 32 Reck shiny 17 29 letter pick zeal abby boy cool hook

Step VI: 96 84 69 51 32 29 Reck shiny 17 zeal abby boy cool hook letter pick

Step VII: 96 84 69 51 32 29 17 shiny zeal abby boy cool hook letter pick Reck

Step VIII: 96 84 69 51 32 29 17 zeal abby boy cool hook letter pick Reck shiny

Step IX: 96 84 69 51 32 29 17 abby boy cool hook letter pick Reck shiny zeal

Step X: 17 29 32 51 69 84 96 abby boy cool hook letter pick Reck shiny zeal

Step X is the last step. As per the rules followed in the above Input, give the answer of the following questions.

Following the same rule answer the questions for the given 

Input - write look 99 hat is sick 77 mate 33 rust jerk 44 net body 66 tape 11 cute

Q.6. What will be the last step for the given input?

(1) VIII (2) IX (3) XIII (4) XII (5) XI

Q.7. Which step will be the following input?

99 77 66 44 33 write look sick mate rust met tape 11 body cute hat is jerk

(1) VI (2) V (3) IV (4) VII (5) None of these

Q.8. Which of the following will be step III?

(1) 99 77 66 44 write look sick mate 33 rust jerk net tape 11 body cute hat is

(2) 99 77 66 write look is sick mate 33 rust jerk 44 net tape 11 body cute hat

(3) 99 77 66 write look sick mate 33 rust jerk 44 net tape 11 body cute hat is

(4) 99 77 66 write look sick mate 33 rust jerk 44 net tape 11 body cute is hat

(5) None of these

Q.9. Which will be the last but one step of the given input?

(1) XII (2) XIII (3) IX (4) X (5) VIII

Q.10. Which step will definitely be the step XI?

(1) 99 77 66 44 33 11 body cute hat is jerk look mate net rust sick tape write

(2) 99 77 66 44 33 11 write look is sick mate rust jerk net tape body cute hat

(3) 99 77 66 44 33 11 write body cute hat is jerk look mate net rust sick tape

(4) 99 77 66 44 33 11 write body cute hat is jerk look mate net rust tape sick

(5) 99 77 66 44 33 11 write cute body hat is jerk look mate rust tape sick net



Input: 54 76 56 42 94

Step I: 94 54 76 56 42

Step II: 94 76 54 56 42

Step III: 94 76 56 54 42

Step IV: 47 38 28 27 21 (step III is divided by 2)

Step V: 07 38 28 15 73 (Input – step IV)

Step VI: 03 34 24 11 69 (-4)

Step VII: 06 68 48 22 138




Q.4.(5) Seven



Input: write look 99 hat is sick 77 mate 33 rust jerk 44 net body 66 tape 11 cute

Step I: 99 write look hat is sick 77 mate 33 rust jerk 44 net 66 tape 11 cute body

Step II: 99 77 write look hat is sick mate 33 rust jerk 44 net 66 tape 11 body cute

Step III: 99 77 66 write look is sick mate 33 rust jerk 44 net tape 11 body cute hat

Step IV: 99 77 66 44 write look sick mate 33 rust jerk net tape 11 body cute hat is

Step V: 99 77 66 44 33 write look sick mate rust net tape 11 body cute hat is jerk

Step VI: 99 77 66 44 33 11 write sick mate rust net tape body cute hat is jerk look

Step VII: 99 77 66 44 33 11 write sick rust net tape body cute hat is jerk look mate

Step VIII: 99 77 66 44 33 11 write sick rust tape body cute hat is jerk look mate net

Step IX: 99 77 66 44 33 11 write sick tape body cute hat is jerk look mate net rust

Step X: 99 77 66 44 33 11 write tape body cute hat is jerk look mate net rust sick

Step XI: 99 77 66 44 33 11 write body cute hat is jerk look mate net rust sick tape

Step XII: 99 77 66 44 33 11 write body cute hat is jerk look mate net rust sick tape

Step XIII: 99 77 66 44 33 11 body cute hat is jerk look mate net rust sick tape write







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