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Current Affairs Questions and Answers – May 16, 2015

Bankers Guru
Current Affairs Questions and Answers – May 16, 2015

Q1. How many agreements have been signed between India and China for bilateral cooperation in several areas including economy, trade, science and technology and culture?

A. 24
B. 11
C. 9
D. 16

ANSWER: A. 24 

Q2. With which Indian Channel, China Central Television (CCTV) has signed an agreement 
for exchange of television programmes related to art, culture and development? 

A. Times Now
B. Doordarshan
C. Sony
D. Colors

ANSWER: B. Doordarshan

Q3. Which ministry has decided to launch a nation-wide unique and single emergency response number that can be used in case of any emergency, especially by women in distress?

A. Ministry of Social Justice
B. Ministry of Human Resources
C. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
D. Ministry of Home Affairs

ANSWER: D. Ministry of Home Affairs.

Q4. The Union Government will re-promulgate land ordinance for the _____ time as the controversial land acquisition bill has been referred to a joint parliamentary committee. 

A. First
B. Third
C. Fourth
D. Fifth

ANSWER: B. Third

Q5. 109th Birth Anniversary of freedom fighter Sukhdev was celebrated on _____.

A. 15th May 2015
B. 1st June 2015
C. 2nd July 2015
D. 3rd June 2015

ANSWER: A. 15th May 2015

Q6.On 15thMay’15, the Vice President of India Shri M. Hamid Ansari conferred the “Pt. Haridutt Sharma Award” in the field of Journalism, Writing and Social Services to __________.

A. Pratibha Patil
B. Jhumpa Lahiri
C. Anurradha Prasad
D. Aradhna Kumari 

ANSWER: C. Anurradha Prasad 

Q7. What is the theme of the 6th National Conference on Nuclear Energy was organized by ASSOCHAM in New Delhi on 15th May’15?

A. Power Production Medium
B. Nuclear Energy: A ‘Clean’ Energy option
C. Non-Conventional Energy
D. Green Energy

ANSWER: B. Nuclear Energy: A ‘Clean’ Energy option

Q8. Which award has been launched by the Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Shri J. P. Nadda to public health facilities on 15th May’15?

A. m-Swasthya Award
B. e-medicines Award
C. Kayakalp Award
D. MedAid Award

ANSWER: C. Kayakalp Award

Q9. On 15th May’15. Minster of Road Transport, Highways and Shipping, Shri Nitin Gadkari launched the state of the art integrated data collection system. Which technology would use this system that compiles information on road assets, condition of the pavements and traffic?

A. GPRS Technology
B. VSAT Technology
C. Telecom Technology
D. Laser Technology

ANSWER: D. LaserTechnology

Q10. Whose offer has been approved by the Ministry of Urban Development for cooperation in conducting the ‘Cities Challenge’ competition for selecting the cities for financing under the Smart Cities Mission of the Government?

A. Bloomberg Philanthropies
C. Future Group
D. None of these

ANSWER: A. Bloomberg Philanthropies

Q11. In the second leg of 3-Nation tour, PM Narendra Modi will visit which country after China?

A. North Korea
B. Mangolia
C. Vietnam
D. South Korea

ANSWER: B. Mangolia

Q12. By what percent has Canada announced its plans to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions below 2005 levels by 2030 amid international efforts to create a new frame work for addressing climate change?

A. 20%
B. 25%
C. 30%
D. 35%

ANSWER: C. 30%

Q13. On 16th May’15, what edition of anniversary of joining the Indian Union is Sikkim celebrating?

A. 47th 
B. 40th 
C. 67th 
D. 69th 

ANSWER: B. 40th

Q14. State Bank of India (SBI) on 14th May’15 launched contact-less credit and debit cards called____.

A. Touch Card
B. Swipe Card


Q15. On 14thMay’15 which state government banned the digging of borewells beyond 200 feet in the state with a view to check the steep decline of groundwater-level?

A. Uttar Pradesh
B. Maharashtra 
C. Goa
D. Gujarat

ANSWER: B. Maharashtra 

Q16. Which country’s scientist discovered a new state of matter called the Jahn-Teller-metal having a rich combination of insulating, magnetic, metallic and superconducting phase?

A. Japan
B. India
C. United States
D. Germany

ANSWER: A. Japan


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