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English : Comprehension - Part - 2

Bankers Guru
Q.1-10. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
“See how smooth that was,” said Dipti, as she helped her younger brother Atul cycle down the road. Atul had been trying to learn to ride a bicycle the last few days and his older sister had offered to help.
“Hi Dipti,” said uncle Ravi, adding, “Why are you helping him? Let him do it on his own.” Dipti was quick to come to her brother’s defence, “He tried once but fell off the cycle and hurt himself. If I help him, then there is no fear of falling down.”
Dipti was hard-working and good at her studies. She had only one problem. She was afraid of making mistakes and confronting defeat and this discouraged her from taking on something new. Ravi uncle, her father’s cousin, and a Professor of Mathematics was clever. He saw Dipti preparing for her maths exam that evening.
“So, you are ready for the exam?” he said.
“Of course I am, uncle. I have practised all the problems. So there are almost no chances of me making a mistake,” replied a confident Dipti. Ravi uncle noticed that Dipti had confidence but lacked the courage to learn from mistakes. The attitude wasn’t healthy, he realised.
A couple of days later, the results were announced. Dipti was thrilled that she had scored 98 per cent in Maths. When she proudly announced the result to her family, Ravi uncle immediately started off with his plan. He had all the children living in the neighbourhood gather around. He announced a surprise test for everyone, including Dipti, who was confident that she would excel in the test.
As soon as the test began, Dipti began solving the problems. Soon, she realised that many of the questions were tricky. She instantly panicked and failed to solve even the easy ones.
When Ravi uncle announced the result, everyone was stunned that Dipti had ended up scoring very low marks. Dipti was embarrassed and left abruptly. Much later, Ravi uncle saw Dipti referring to her older sister’s books for solutions. It was evident that she was not used to taking defeat in her stride.
That moment, Dipti noticed Atul calling out to her for help through her window. He was still learning to ride his cycle but this time, Dipti did not respond. Poor Atul fell once again. Dipti spent the next few days desperately trying to find the answers to the tricky problems, while Atul was learning to ride his cycle on his own. Dipti noticed Atul had almost learnt to ride his cycle. Of course, he had hurt himself more than once in the process.
A couple of days later, uncle Ravi decided to intervene. He walked into the room and confronted Dipti about her anxiety but she was unable to open up to him. Just then they both noticed that Atul was about to fall again. Dipti wanted to go and help but Ravi uncle stopped her. “No dear, let him do it on his own. He is on the verge of becoming good at cycling.” Soon, Dipti was startled to see that Atul balanced himself perfectly and was off cycling.
It suddenly dawned on Dipti that all these days, Ravi uncle had intended to make her realise that making a mistake was an inevitable part of learning. Practice and learning gradually lead to perfection. Ravi uncle said, “Dipti, you practised the problems that were solved in the class. But when you had to try something new, you couldn’t face it because you were afraid of making mistakes,” he said, adding, “Remember, the more mistakes you make, the more you learn.”
Q.1. Why did Ravi uncle stop Dipti when she wanted to prevent Atul from falling?
1. He wanted Atul to manage balancing, on his own.
2.In that attempt, she could have hurt herself.
3. Ravi uncle was envious of Atul.
4. Ravi uncle wanted Dipti to do other important things.
5. Not mentioned in the passage 

Q.2. Which of the following is/are TRUE, as mentioned in the passage?
A. The surprise test was announced for everyone.
B. Ravi uncle was a Professor of chemistry.
C. Dipti had scored 98 percent in science, in the exam.
D.Atulwas calling out to Diptifor help through her door.
1. Only A
2. Only C
3. Only A and C
4. Only B and D
5. All of the above

Q. 3. Which of the following factors remain (s) responsible for making someone perfect?
1. Transformation
2. Learning
3. Fear
4. Practice
5. Only 2 and 4

Q. 4. Why was Dipti helping her brother learn to ride a bicycle?
1. That way, she wanted to learn how to ride a bicycle.
2.She wanted her brother to take part in cycling competition.
3. She felt if she would be with him he would have no fear of falling down.
4. She wanted her brother to learn something new, in his life.
5.Dipti was not helpful to her brother.

Q.5. What happened when uncle Ravi confronted Diptiabout her anxiety?
1. She fell asleep soon after telling him her problem.
2.She blamed her brother, for her anxiety.
3. She straightaway refused to share her problems with him.
4. She could not reveal the reason of her anxiety.
5. Not mentioned in the passage

Q.6. Why, according to Ravi uncle, Dipti could not do well in the surprise test.?
1. She had not studied well, throughout the year.
2. She was dependent on cheating for scoring well in the test.
3. She had the fear because of which she lost control over her mind.
4. She had to try something new and she had the fear of making mistakes.
5. Not mentioned in the passage

Q.7-8. Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage

1. Popular
2. Researched
3. Old
4. Difficult
5. Heinous

1. Problematic
2. Essential
3. Quantitative
4. Suspended
5. Inspiring

Q.9-10.  Choose the word which is most nearly the OPPOSITE in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage

1. Openly
2. Chiefly
3. Gradually
4. Carefully
5. Mournfully

1. Disappointed
2. Confused
3. Hasty
4. Reliant
5. Studious

1. (1)
2. (1)
3. (5)
4. (3)
5. (4)
6. (4)
7. (4)
8. (2)
9. (3)
10. (1)

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