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English : Error Detection - Part - 4

Bankers Guru

Q.1-10.Read each sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5). 

Q.1. They have invited (1)/ Sushma and I (2)/ for the meeting to be (3)/ held in the next month (4)/ No error(5) 

Q.2. The city people stayed (1)/ fearlessly despite of (2)/ rumour of terrorist (3)/ attack in the area (4)/ No error (5) 

Q.3. The Director asked him (1)/ how he has not (2)/ taken his permission (3)/ before applying for the new job (4)/ No error (5) 

Q.4. A disaster management cell will opened (1)/ by the state government (2)/ before the rainy season (3)/ as a precautionary measure (4)/ No error (5) 

Q.5. Mansi is too busy (1)/ in her current (2)/programmes to take (3)/ up any new ones (4)/ No error(5) 

Q.6. The pilot was attempt(1)/ to return to the airport (2) / after he noticed (3)/ a glitch in the aircraft.(4)/ No Error (5) 

Q.7. Nothing could be (1)/ more unfortunate for a society (2) / that sees himself (3)/ as a modern, liberal democracy (4)/ No Error (5) 

Q.8. Heavy police force (1)/ was deployed (2) / in the area (3)/ after the bomb blast (4)/ No Error (5) 

Q.9. They set fire (1)/ a tea shop and looted (2) / others before beating up (3)/ the shopkeepers (4)/ No Error (5) 

Q.10. They are in talks with several Indian companies (1)/ for setting up a joint venture to provide (2) / the full range of post-guarantee maintenance (3)/ and repair services to the warship(4)/ No Error (5) 


Q.1.(2) 'me' should be used in palce of 'I' 

Q.2.(2) 'of ' should not be used after despite

Q.3.(2) Replace how with why 

Q.4.(1) 'will be'should be used in place of 'is ' . 

Q.5.(4) 'one' should be used in place of 'ones'. 

Q.6.(1) ‘Was attempting’ should be used- past continuous tense is to be used 

Q.7.(3) ‘Itself’ should be used – according to society ‘reflexive pronoun’ itself should be used 


Q.9.(1) ‘Set on fire’ should be used- which means ‘burnt’ 


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