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English Questions : Fill In The Blanks :18.05.2015

Bankers Guru

Q.1-10. In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each five pairs of words have been denoted by numbers (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). Find out which pair of words can be filled in the blanks in order to make a meaningful sentence.

1. While the Indian population shows an increasing trend, food production is ------------to keep pace with it and land ------------- for cultivation is decreasing. 

1. Shifted, apply

2. Sidelined, vacant

3. Unable, available

4. Capable, freed

5. Effect, reached

2. Due to -----------security and the general absence of large number of people, politicians and other high-profile figures are comparatively more ----------during their walks. 

1. Relaxed, accessible

2. Service, exposure

3. Spontaneous, restriction

4. Moderate, perilous

5. Stiff, usable

3.Slum children have come forward to -------their support to acid attack survivors in their campaign against the social----------. 

1. Oblige, assistance

2. Let, caution

3. Deceive, thunder

4. Lend, menace

5. Advance, security

4. The forest department officials have given ----------to villagers to hunt down the killer canines in---------------. 

1. Recognition, self-defense

2. Permission, self-defense

3. Tolerance, self-defense

4. Assent, self-defense

5. Diversify, self-defense

5. It is necessary to decrease disease burden as hospitals are ---------------with patients and doctors are working-----------------. 

1.Overflowing, hectic

2.Overflowing, desperate

3. Overflowing, overtime

4.Overflowing, special

5.Overflowing, needless

6. Scientists should ------------more knowledge on latest practice and later share it with the farmers for the overall ---------of agriculture sector. 

1. Care, procession

2. Divide, course

3. Avert, evolve

4. Earn, progress

5. Depend, retreat

7. Smaller animals, though they might -------------insignificant, play a crucial role in maintaining the -------------of the eco-system. 

1. Appear, equilibrium

2. Materialize, equilibrium

3. Attend, equilibrium

4. Wonder, equilibrium

5. Execute, equilibrium

8. If consumers start asking for -------------food, then farmers will automatically start ----------------organic food. 

1.Diversified, working

2.Diversified, assuming

3.Diversified, enlarging

4. Diversified, growing

5.Diversified, withering

9. The wild dogs had become ----------to eating animal bones and flesh, mostly --------------by locals after slaughtering animals for their consumption. 

1. Prone, damaged

2. Habituated, discarded

3. Ceaseless, shelved

4. Lifelong, obsolete

5. Familiarize, occupied

10. Earlier, people used to ------------on two-wheelers if alone but now more and more people are seen driving cars even if they are------------. 

1.Commute, attended

2.Commute, isolate

3.Commute, together

4.Commute, eliminate

5. Commute, alone


1. (3) 

2. (1) 

3. (4) 

4. (2) 

5. (3) 

6. (4) 

7. (1) 

8. (4) 

9. (2) 

10. (5) 

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