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English : Misspelt or Inappropriate - Part - 4

Bankers Guru

Q.1-10. In each set below five words have been printed which are numbered (1), (2), (3),(4) and (5). One of these words may be wrongly spelt or inappropriate to the context.Find out the wrongly spelt or inappropriate word. The number of that word will be your answer. If all the words are correct then give 5 ie. all correct as your answer.

1. Most of the offices witnessed thin attendance as employees prefered to keep 

                                        (1)                                                              (2)

themselves warm by sipping tea and coffee at roadside stalls. All correct

                                      (3)                                     (4)                       (5)

2. Each village would have to prioritize the development and demand funds for the


Purpose accordingly, since requirements would varied. All correct

                   (2)                (3)                                         (4)     (5)

3. The kite string is coated with a layer of crushed glass making it razor sharp as birds 

                                                                          (1)                                      (2)

often get entangled in the thin strings and suffer fatal injuries. All correct

                    (3)                                                                    (4)           (5) 

4. The draught was so severe that the administration had imposed a ban on 

               (1)                      (2)                       (3)                            (4)

construction works due to which poor farmers could not even getlabour work in the 

urban areas. All correct


5. They had lifted a demand for the installation of a tube well replacing the 

                       (1)                                       (2)

Submersible pump that was not serving the purpose of supplying water.

           (3)                                           (4)

 All correct


6. Mercury level slipped eight degrees below normal owing to intense cold wave 

                             (1)                                            (2)                        (3) 

conditions forcing people to seek solaces in woolen clothes. All correct

                                                         (4)                                     (5)                                                          

7. Police conducted investigations with banks officials to find whether other security 

                    (1)                                                                                (2)

systems like closed circuit television camera and alarm are into place. All correct

                                           (3)                                                       (4)                      (5)

8. Government agencies impose a ban on using plastic carry bags, but, in reality, 

                                                                                               (1)                     (2) 

gutkha packets, biscuit wrappers and other laminated plastic are more dangerous.

                                          (3)                                     (4)

All correct


9. Drone cameras are also quite light-weigh and can operate in minimal light unlike 

                                                           (1)                             (2)

traditional cameras which need extra flash to shoot. All correct

       (3)                                                                 (4)       (5)

10. The findings of the report have been submitted to the government as well as the 

                (1)                                                  (2)

education department, so that they can take corrected steps to address the issues

                                                                           (3)                          (4)

All correct



1. (2) ‘Preferred’ is the correct spelling.

2. (4) ‘Vary’ should replace ‘varied’ – a verb is to be used.

3. (5)

4. (1) ‘Drought’ is the correct spelling.

5. (1) ‘Raised’ is the appropriate verb to be used with ‘demand’.

6. (4) ‘Solace’ should be used- abstract nouns do not have plural forms.

7. (4) ‘In place’ should be used which means ‘installed’

8. (5)

9. (1) ‘Light-weight’ is the correct word.

10. (3) ‘Corrective’ should replace ‘corrected’- an adjective is to be used.

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