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English : Misspelt Or Inappropriate Words - Part - 5

Bankers Guru

Q.1-10. In each set below five words have been printed which are numbered (1), (2), (3),(4) and (5). One of these words may be wrongly spelt or inappropriate to the context. Find out the wrongly spelt or inappropriate word. The number of that word will be your answer. If all the words are correct then give 5 ie. all correct as your answer.

1. Each cow has to ruminate and produce over 100 litres of saliva to tackle acidity in


the stomach, so we give freshly grown maze, ragi and 13 other kinds of green fodder

                                         (2)                     (3)                                                         (4)    
that helps them ruminate throughout the day. All correct

2. The tradition of kite flying is very popular on Makar Sankranti but because of the fog
              (1)                                                                                                                    (2)
weather that is generally experienced around the festival, people abstain from
                                               (3)                                                           (4)
organizing kite events on a grand scale. All correct

3. The traffic police personnel and district transport officials present flowers and
garlands to errant riders at prominent places and explained them about traffic rules and
       (2)            (3)                       (4)
Safety. All correct

4. The urban local bodies have the biggest role in this regard given that they moniter

advertisements, issue licenses to public eateries and ensure that they are
                                       (2)                        (3)

smoke free. All correct
         (4)            (5)

5. Mobile towers constructed on government land or buildings are to be shared with

other telecom service providers or infrastructure providers after examining technical

feasibility and procuring permission from the authority concerned. All correct
   (2)                       (3)                                                              (4)                 (5)

6. Lack of proper signboards or reflectors to indicate the present of construction
                                (1)                     (2)                                     (3)

materials troubles motorists and pedestrians. All correct
                                                                 (4)            (5)

7. Exporters are facing challenges due to reduced orders and dealers where used to
                                           (1)                                                                      (2)   

depend on the supply chain systems are facing uncertainties. All correct
    (3)                                                                           (4)                       (5)

8. Since various organizations of the public and private sector will be working together,
all relate information will be shared at a single platform enabling collective decisions
        (2)                                                                                 (3)
and their prompt implementation. All correct
                     (4)                                (5)

9. Contractors engaged by the hospitals mixed biomedical waste with other general

waste and dumped at locations not specified for dumping waste
                       (2)              (3)                   (4)                   

materials. All correct

10. He fell unconscious during the examination and when he regained conscious, he
                    (1)                                                                              (2)

felt a severe pain on the lower left portion of the abdomen where he saw
a long wund.  All correct
               (4)          (5)


1. (3) ‘Maize’ is the correct spelling.

2. (2) ‘Foggy’ should be used- an adjective is required.

3. (1) ‘Presented’ should be used- the verb is to be used in past form.

4. (1) ‘Monitor’ is the correct spelling.

5. (5)

6. (3) ‘Presence’ should be used- a noun is required.

7. (2) ‘Who’ should be used as relative pronoun- corresponding to ‘dealers’

8. (2) ‘Related’ should be used as adjective.

9. (5)

10. (4) ‘Wound’ is the correct spelling.

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