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English : Sentence Improvement - Part - 4

Bankers Guru

Q.1-10. Which of the Phrases(1), (2) (3) and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrases printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

1. Many city areas will face severe water cut in the follow two days owing to the major leakages in the main pipeline carrying water. 

1. Cut in the next twice

2. Cuts over the following twice

3. Cuts in the next two

4. Cuts on the next two

5. No correction required

2. Cultivation is done by traditional methods in the region used bullocks to plough the land.

1. Using bullocks to plough

2. Uses bullocks ploughed

3. Used ploughed the bullocks

4. Using ploughs to bullocks

5. No correction required

3. Most of the farmers are either harvesting their grapes or they have completed it and packed is going on.

1. Package was gone on

2. Packing is going on

3. Package is gone on

4. Packing has going on

5. No correction required

4. The government should encourage fast track courts to provide justice to victims in time.

1. Provided justice to victims

2. Provides justifies to victimize

3. Provide justifies to victims

4. Provided justice to victimized

5. No correction required

5. Hundreds of women on different sections of the society came together to salute the essence of womanhood.

1.Hundred of woman of

2.Hundred’s of women to

3. Hundred off women from

4. Hundreds of women from

5. No correction required

6. With more younger kids and teenagers getting hooked to smart phones, parents are making conscious efforts to disengage their children from this obsession and introduced their to outdoor activities. 

1. Obsession and introduce them

2. Obsessed or introduction their

3. Obsession but introduce their

4. Obsessed and introduce them

5. No correction required

7. Health officials and doctors have advised people to boil water as consumption

1. Boils water before consume

2. Boiled water as consumption

3. Boil water before consumption

4. Boils water before consumed

5. No correction required

8. Traffic officials claimed that a majority of automobile agencies had starting adhering at new orders and are selling motorbikes after ensuring that purchasers have helmets.

1.Had start adhere of

2. Had started adhering with

3. Have started adhere at

4.Has starting adhering with

5. No correction required

9. Farmers will now get an opportunity to hone their agricultural skills and learnt ways to increase yields of their crops.

1. Learn ways to increase yield

2. Learnt ways to increasing yield

3. Learns ways to increases yield

4. Learn ways to increases yielded

5. No correction required

10. House sparrows have a life span of three to 13 years and are able to survive in all temperatures and up to 15000 feet under sea level.

1.Onto 15000 feet above

2.As to 15000 feet across

3.Into 15000 feet over

4. Up to 15000 feet above

5. No correction required


1. (3) ‘Two’ is quantitative adjective and should come before the noun.

2. (1) After ‘to’ ‘plough’ should be used.

3. (2) ‘Going on’ is ‘continuing’

4. (5)

5. (4) ‘Hundreds’ means ‘many hundred’

6. (1) ‘Them’ is to be used as pronoun.

7. (3) After ‘before’ a noun is to be used.

8. (2) Past perfect tense is to be used.

9. (1) ‘Yield’ means ‘production’

10. (4) ‘Up to’ means ‘to the limit of’

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