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English : Sentence Improvement - Part - 5

Bankers Guru
Q.1-10. Which of the phrases (1), (2) (3) and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrases printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

1. The education system should be such that the children should love and enjoy the learning process and should motivate them to gone to school.
1. Motivates their to go
2. Motivated their to gone
3. Motivate them to go
4. Motivates them for go
5. No correction required

2. The list of available drugs will have to be displays at all medical centres.
1. Will have to be displayed
2. Will be to displayed
3. Will have been to display
4. Will have being displaying
5. No correction required

3. Lack of financial schemes and support and little publicity have lead to downfall of the art form.
1. Leading to downfalls at
2. Lead in downfall of
3. Leads onto downfall in
4. Led to downfall of
5. No correction required

4. Once the e-challan system is introduced, people will not have to pay fine to the traffic constables directly.
1. One the e-challan system is introduced
2.  Once the e-challan system was introduce
3.Once the e-challan system is introducing
4. As the e-challan system was introduces
5. No correction required

5. In the summers, waterholes become dry and birds find it difficult to quench his thirst. 
1. To quench their thirst
2. At quench their thirsty
3. Quenched theirs thirst
4. For quenched them thirst
5. No correction required

6. With revive of boat manufacture units in the village, fisherman have a got sustainable livelihood option.
1. On revive of boat manufactured units
2. .At revival of boat manufactures units
3. As revived of boat manufacturing units
4. With revival of boat manufacturing units
5. No correction required

7. He was unconscious and we rushed him to a government hospital but staff there refused to treat him as his condition was critically and his identity would unknown.
1. Critical and their identity unknown
2. Critical and his identity was unknown
3. Critically and her identity can unknown
4. Critical but his identity be unknown
5. No correction required

8. Slashing excise duty on leather shoes will benefit smaller manufacturers in terms of production as well as help them improve quality of shoes.
1. Termed in production
2. Term of produce
3. In terms of produces
4. On termed of produced
5. No correction required

9. Traders have been complaining that antisocial elements threaten and extorts money in them.
1. Threatens and extorts money out of
2. Threats and extorts money as
3. Threaten and extort money from
4. Threatens but extort money from
5. No correction required

10. Kumbh was actually organised in ancient times for people to come together in an open place in a pleasant atmospheres to shared knowledge about saving nature for the betterment of mankind.

1. A pleasant atmosphere to shares knowledge
2. A pleasant atmosphere to share knowledge
3. A pleasant atmospheric to share knowledge
4. A pleasant atmosphere to shared knowledge
5. No correction required


1. (3) ‘Them’ refers to ‘children’- in the sentence
2. (1) After ‘be’ past participle form of verb is to be used
3. (4) ‘Led’ is followed by ‘to’.
4. (5)
5. (1) Possessive pronoun ‘Their’ is to be used- corresponding to ‘birds’
6. (4) ‘Revival’ should be used- a noun is required.
7. (2) ‘Critical’ means ‘serious’- in the sentence.
8. (5)
9. (3) Both the verbs are to be in plural form- corresponding to ‘antisocial elements’
10. (2) ‘Atmosphere’ is to be used- a noun is required.

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