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Vocabulary - 11.05.2015

Bankers Guru
1. TRAILBLAZING (VERB): to be pioneering or innovating in a field or subject

Synonyms: innovative, revolutionary Antonyms: conservative

Example Sentence:

Davis, no slave to traditional values, sees herself as a trailblazing madam.

2. DIURNAL (ADJECTIVE) : occurring every day; during the day

Synonyms: constantly, day-to-day Antonyms: unusual, irregular

Example Sentence:

Furthermore, he said, some insects are particularly sensitive to changes in diurnal variations.

3. WANDERLUST (NOUN): journey

Synonyms: driving, excursion Antonyms: halt, inactivity

Example Sentence:

With the watch, wanderlust found a way to cover costs and ensure a varied and trustworthy clientele.

4. CHORE (NOUN): a small or odd job; routine task.

Synonyms: duty, work Antonyms: happiness, peace

Example Sentence:

Instead of a chore, choose something you love so you absolutely look forward to it.

5. OUST (VERB): expel, get rid of

Synonyms: depose, dethrone Antonyms: hire, place

Example Sentence:

But when you try to oust the queen, you better be successful, lest she decides to relegate you to oblivion.

6. TEEM (VERB) : be abundant, full

Synonyms: brim , overflow Antonyms: retreat , lack

Example Sentence:

If the past eight months were full of international thrills, the next ones are more likely to teem with spills.

7. GAUGE (NOUN): measure, standard

Synonyms: benchmark, indicator Antonyms: estimate, extreme

Example Sentence:

His tone was unassuming, but his gaze was intent, as if he was trying to gauge if she recognized him or not.

8. MUSTER (NOUN): gathering

Synonyms: assembly, convention Antonyms: scatter, separate

Example Sentence:

It took all I could muster to hold it together.

9. SWAGGER (VERB): show off; walk pompously

Synonyms: bluster, gloat Antonyms: be modest, deprecate

Example Sentence:

They had the swagger and the confidence that a powerhouse program deserved.

10. NICHE (NOUN): place all one's own

Synonyms: alcove, slot Antonyms: closure, solid

Example Sentence:

The statues of God were placed in the beautiful niche that was created in the wall meant to display them.

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