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English Questions : Fill In The Blanks : 08.06.2015

Bankers Guru
FILL IN THE BLANKS- Choose two words either of which can fill up the blank

1. Soft soil --------------tremor waves, which move slowly in the rocky terrain. 

A. Digress B. poured C.amplifies D. intensifies

1. A and C

2. B and D

3. A and B

4. C and D

5. B and C

2. As most of the residents are working couples they generally put their waste in a carry bag and ----------------it in one of the dustbins placed on the road.

A. Ooze B. dump C. store D. drop

1. A and D

2. B and C

3. A and B

4. C and D

5. B and D

3. The trapping cameras are of good quality, having capacity to move in 45 degree angle to -------------better images.

A. Click B. wander C. function D. capture

1. A and C

2. A and D

3. B and D

4. B and C

5. A and B

4. Normal life came to a ---------------at several parts of the city after rainwater entered the houses in low lying areas.

A.standstill B. halt C. pinnacle D. order

1. A and B

2. B and C

3. C and D

4. A and C

5. B and D

5. Every insect, leaf, bird and animal has the -------------- to live like the human beings.

A. Right B. dramatic C. oblige D. privilege

1. A and B

2. C and D

3. A and D

4. A and C

5. B and D

6. Before a medicine is --------------------in the market and becomes accessible to all, it is tried on a select group of people under specified conditions. 

A. Discarded B.introduced C. gained D. brought

1. A and C

2. B and C

3. C and D

4. B and D

5. A and B

7. Since in our Indian family set up, parents support the child financially and emotionally in higher education as well, their--------------is quite natural.

A.Involvement B. substitute C. intervention D. stagger

1. A and B

2. C and D

3. B and C

4. B and D

5. A and C

8. Patients who have not been bitten by poisonous snakes should not be given anti-venom without ------------for the presence of poison in the body.

A. Pressure B. guidance C.testing D. verification

1. A and B

2. B and C

3. C and D

4. B and D

5. A and C

9. With trucks getting stuck for hours, large number of pet bottles get disfigured due to ---------------heat.

A. Intense B. scorching C. suddenly D. transforming

1. C and D

2. A and C

3. B and C

4. A and B

5. B and D

10. Many of these trees were planted on the pavements beside thoroughfares and had to be ----------------urgently to clear the way for traffic.

A. Watered B.removed C. uprooted D. planted

1. A and B

2. C and D

3. A and C

4. B and D

5. B and C


1. (4)

2. (5)

3. (2)

4. (1)

5. (3)

6. (4)

7. (5)

8. (3)

9. (4)

10. (5)

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