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English : Sentence Improvement - Part - 6

Bankers Guru

Q.1-10. Which of the phrases(1), (2) (3) and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrases printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

1. Every village had a grazing landed for cattle where during summer the animals not only got grass but also water. 

1.Had a land grazing

2. Has a graze land

3. Had a grazing land

4. Have a graze lands

5. No correction required

2. Many of the healthcare centres some are not proper maintained will get a facelift and the issue of manpower shortage in the health centres will also be addressed.

1. Which have not proper maintained

2. That are not properly maintained

3. What are not proper maintaining

4. Few were not properly maintains

5. No correction required

3. India is rich in indigenous knowledge of our geography and topography and this knowledge is the most usefully one.

1. Is the most useful one

2. Having the most useful one

3. Were the most usefully ones

4. For the most usefully ones

5. No correction required

4. Showers have damaged mango crop as fruits at many trees got drop due to heavy wind and showers.

1. Fruits for many trees got drops

2. Fruits from many trees get dropping

3. Fruits on many trees get drop

4. Fruits from many trees got dropped

5. No correction required

5. Sleep disorders frequently occurrence in psychiatric and medical disorders, amplifying the suffering and disability that accompany them.

1. Frequent occurred into

2. Frequently co-occur with

3. Frequent occur on 

4. Frequent occurrence at

5. No correction required

6. Students passing out of colleges should possession at least five different skills in order to meet industry requirements. 

1. Should possession least

2. Should possesses at least

3. Should possess at least 

4. Must possessed at least 

5. No correction required

7. It is time for a full-fledged survey to be conducted so that old bridges can be salvaged and protected. 

1.That is time on

2. What is times for

3. This is times onto

4. Its time on

5. No correction required

8. As frequently power cuts and mercury rising above 42 degree Celsius, thus curtain-makers are doing a brisk business in the city.

1.With frequent power cuts

2.For frequency power cut

3. Much frequently powered cut

4.As frequency power cuts

5. No correction required

9. The waterhole census does not help the forest officials identify reasons for the increase or decrease in the number of animals sighted but gave a idea on the animals using a particular area. 

1. However give an ideas onto

2. While gave a idea into

3. But gives an idea on

4.As giving an ideas into

5. No correction required

10.Two-wheeler riders have been complaining that they are find it tough at ride with sand and dust on both sides of the road getting into their eyes and nostrils.

1. Finding that tough to riding

2. Finds that tough to rides

3. Find it tough on ride

4. Finding it tough to ride

5. No correction required


1. (3) ‘Grazing’ would serve as an adjective.

2. (2) ‘Properly’ as an adverb would qualify verb ‘maintained’

3. (1) ‘useful’ is an adjective.

4. (4) ‘Got dropped’ means ‘fell’

5. (2) ‘Frequently’ is an adverb qualifying verb ‘co-occur’

6. (3) After should first form of verb is to be used without ‘s/es’

7. (5)

8. (1) ‘As’ is being used to cite the reason for ‘something’

9. (3) Verb is to be used in the present form.

10. (4) Present continuous form of verb is to be used.

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