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Bankers Guru


Youth today is an over-civilized living creature on the earth. We have the evolution process undergoing continuously at every segment of life. Our youth have also evolved much ahead of the imaginations. They have incorporated both the bests and worsts to a very high extent. The gallop that the youth has taken in moulding and modifying their lifestyle is much beyond the imagination capacity of an average human being. 

Youth culture is basically the way adolescents live, and the norms, values, and practices they share. Culture is the shared symbolic systems, and processes of maintaining and transforming those systems. Youth culture differs from the culture of older generations. Elements of youth culture include beliefs, behaviors, styles, and interests. An emphasis on clothes, popular music, sports, vocabulary, and dating set adolescents apart from other age groups, giving them what many believe is a distinct culture of their own. Within youth culture, there are many distinct and constantly changing youth subcultures. These subcultures’ norms, values, behaviors, and styles vary widely, and may differ from the general youth culture.

Youth today – positive front

Our present age youth, the stepping stones of the future world, have many positive points to be appreciated and encouraged. Our youngsters definitely have the warmth in their blood which ignite them to gear up and succeed in every possible attempt they make. Today’s generation has a lot more direction than the previous one because unlike them, the young today do not lack clarity. They dare to think different and operate with a can-do attitude and confidence. Today's youth is charting new territories not being afraid of the storm, choosing rather to ride into it and creating their own path. The youth of India know exactly what they want out of life. 

The youngsters are well aware of the balancing equations of life. The general IQ and the social awareness make them help in the upliftment of the rural segments of the world. They are the ones who plan and promote the development of the under-developed nations.

Youth today – negative front

Though we have a lot many points in favour of the present day youth, still it is a bitter truth that the part of youth is flowing away with the extremities of the abstracts of the emotions. This yielding tendency has led to the increasing concern of violence and rage in to the society.

Though it is good to a extent that the gender bias is removed from the society due to the socializing nature of the youth, still the over-socializing nature has transformed the relations and the physical relationship is treated as a game of the youth. Such a careless move by the young generation is leading to lot many medical complications in the later part of their lives.

Some sort of entertainment is understandable at the young age. But carrying on with the bad habits like smoking and drinking and getting addicted to the pub culture is definitely not a good sign of the future world. Youth treats the life as a game and enjoys the present to the fullest. Though it is good to live at the present, but one need to wisely plan for the future as well. This is what some of our youth fail during the peak years of their life. The junk food is again a bad virtue of the youth culture.

Our young generation is tech-savvy. They can complete every task in a click. The cyber world have given them a life of ease and comfort. The tech savvy youth have lost the values of physical exercise and are landing into poor health conditions in tender age. We have reached an era where our youth in unable to perceive anything without the technology. They have completely become dependent on the technology. Instead of humans operating the systems, the technology is handling and controlling the present day youth.

Young generation have definitely lost the moral and humanitarian values. All they are marching towards is wealth and property. They lack time for friends, family and loved ones. They lack the values of respect, affection and care. This lack of moral values and emotions have made them mere vegetables.

Impact of Society

Society definitely plays a very important role in the shaping and re-carnation of the youth. The encouraging environment definitely gives good results. But our society is also lacking the moral values and everyone has become egoistic and self-centred. Nobody cares to appreciate any good values in their vicinity. Everyone is busy in portraying their false face up. With such a demotivating surrounding, our youth is definitely having a sinking heart and downfall in their progress.


It is easy to conclude the topic, but the discussion will never cease. The youth definitely needs attention and appreciation. The youth is like the clay in hands of the sculpture. The more careful the sculpture is, the better is the resulting statue. Our youth requires to be moulded carefully and tactfully. All that we need is the encouraging society who could uplift the young generation and create a better tomorrow.


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