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Answer This General Knowledge Questions

Bankers Guru
Q.1. Which of the following is an international forum to discuss and implement supervisory norms in all the banks of the world?

1) Basel Committee 

2) UN Charter on commercial Laws

3) International Board of Banks and Finance

4) World Trade Organization 

5) None of these

Q.2. ‘Anti Tobacco Day’ is observed in India on which of the following days?

1) 11th April 

2) 11th May 

3) 11th June 

4) 31st May

5) 30th June

Q.3. Which of the following is an international forum to discuss and implement supervisory norms in all the banks of the world?

1) Basel Committee 

2) UN Charter on commercial Laws

3) International Board of Banks and Finance

4) World Trade Organization 

5) None of these

Q.4. Who amongst the following is the author of the book 'Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance'?

1) Barack Obama 

2) John Evans Atta Mills 

3) Nelson Mandela

4) Danny Boyle 

5) None of these

Q.5. Duleep Trophy is associated with the game of

1) Hockey 

2) Badminton 

3) Football

4) Lawn Tennis 

5) Cricket

Q.6. Who amongst the following is the author of the book “Termites in the Trading System”?

1) MS Swaminathan 

2) Jagdish Bhagwati 

3) Jaswant Singh

4) M Chelapati Rao

5) None of these

Q.7. Ms Johanna Sigurdardottir has taken over as the first woman Prime Minister of

1) Brazil

2) Iceland 

3) Peru 

4) New Zealand 

5) Tunisia

Q.8. India has several major dams almost in all states. Which of the following was/were the reasons for which these dams were built?

A. Flood control and water supply
B. Relocating the population
C. Power generation
D. Irrigation facilities

1) Only A & B 
2) Only C a& D 
3) Only A, C & D 
4) Only B, C & D 
5) None of these

Q.9. India’s Look East Policy was launched in the year?

1) 1990 

2) 1992 

3) 1995 

4) 2000 

5) None of these

Q.10.Which is the country’s third largest private sector lender whose name has been officially changed to the Axis Bank Ltd.?

1) HDFC Bank

2) Lord Krishna Bank

3) Centurion Bank

4) UTI Bank

5) None of these

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