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Vocabulary Words - 24.07.2015

Bankers Guru
1. LUGUBRIOUS (ADJECTIVE): sad or mournful

Synonyms: gloomy, pensive Antonyms: cheerful, joyful

Example Sentence:

He’s been walking around with that lugubrious expression ever since his girlfriend left.

2. POLLYANNA (NOUN): optimist

Synonyms: positive thinker, idealist Antonyms: pessimist

Example Sentence:

She is too much of a Pollyanna to really help me find my way out of this mess.

3. GRIZZLE (VERB): make or become extremely pale

Synonyms: etiolate, bleach Antonyms: brighten, darken

Example Sentence:

Time grizzled his beard.

4. WHORL (NOUN): spiral

Synonyms: coil, curl Antonyms: straight

Example Sentence:

The leaves are borne in whorls, those of each whorl cohering, except at their extreme tips, to form a sheath.

5. ORIENT (VERB): familiarize

Synonyms: adapt, conform Antonyms: unfit, disorder

Example Sentence:

This program will orient the new students to college life.

6. PIECEMEAL (ADJECTIVE): bit by bit

Synonyms: gradual, at intervals Antonyms: complete, entire

Example Sentence:

The government promised reform but we have seen only piecemeal progress.

7. SHAKEDOWN (NOUN): extortion

Synonyms: blackmail, squeeze Antonyms: modest 

Example Sentence:

Immigrants were subjected to harassment and shakedowns and restrictive new laws. 

8. IRREPRESSIBLE (ADJECTIVE): effervescent, vivacious

Synonyms: ebullient, rebellious Antonyms: depressed, hopeless

Example Sentence:

She was a lively and irrepressible child.

9. RHAPSODY (NOUN): written or musical creation

Synonyms: drama, melody Antonyms: silence

Example Sentence:

Do we have to listen to another rhapsody of his on the subject of baseball?

10. CAUCUS (NOUN): group gathered to make decision 

Synonyms: session, meeting 

Example Sentence:

The candidate chosen at the caucus was the one that everyone expected.

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