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Test of Marketing For SBI Main Exam

Bankers Guru

Test of Marketing For SBI Main Exam

Q.1. Skimming Pricing Strategy is ———— 

(1) Initial price to high and increase after time 

(2) Initial price is high and decreases after time 

(3) Initial price is low and decreases after time 

(4) Initial price is low and increases aftertime 

(5) None of these 

Q.2. In marketing, ‘market’ means ——— 

(1) Customers (2) Employee (3) Physical Market (4) 1 and 3 (5) None of these 

Q.3. Which is/are macro environment factors? 

(1) Legal environment (2) Government (3) Political parties (4) All of these (5) None of these 

Q.4. Product, place, price are the 3 marketing mix. Which is the 4th? 

(1) People (2) Process (3) Promotion (4) None of these (5) both 1 and 2 

Q.5. Which is the last stage of product life cycle? 

(1) Maturity (2) Decline (3) Growth (4) Introduction (5) None of these 

Q.6. Factors affecting buyer behaviour- 

(1) Social (2) Reference group (3) Personal (4) Age (5) All of these 

Q.7. Father of marketing ——- 

(1) Philip Kotler (2) F.W.Taylor (3) Peter Drucker (4) Adam Smith (5) None of these 

Q.8. Personal selling means ——— 

(1) Face to face (2) Direct Marketing (3) Door to Door (4) 1, 2 and 3 (5) None of these 

Q.9. Digital marketing means ——— 

(1) E-mail canvassing (2) S.M.S alert (3) Video kiosk (4) T.V. acts (5) All of these 

Q.10. Selling starts from ———— 

(1) Need, want and Demand (2) Target Market (3) After sale service (4) 2 and 3 

(5) Production


Q.1.(2) Q.2.(1) Q.3.(4) Q.4.(3) Q.5.(2) Q.6.(5) Q.7.(1) Q.8.(4) Q.9.(5) Q.10.(5)

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